What's wrong with it? It allows you to vote 3rd party without wasting your vote instead of being forced to vote tactically for the 2 main parties. We have it in Australia. (not like elections matter anyway)
Agreed it’s a better way to structure the tally. However a better solution to corrupt senators would be to get rid of the amendment that made them elected by vote instead of as appointed ambassadors of each state government. Senators are meant to be the voice of the states in Washington. The house is the voice of the people. Now there’s no way for states to communicate their wishes in DC.
This should be outlawed everywhere.
What's wrong with it? It allows you to vote 3rd party without wasting your vote instead of being forced to vote tactically for the 2 main parties. We have it in Australia. (not like elections matter anyway)
Alaska got a Democrat to replace a dead republican we got a Rino Lisa Murkowski. Without rank voting we would have theses clowns
No state should use this.
It destroys the concept of one person, one vote. I think it is evil.
That’s silly no it doesn’t.
Read ‘em & weep! https://www.rankedvote.co/guides/understanding-ranked-choice-voting/pros-and-cons-of-rcv
Doesn't this make voting 3rd party viable? Our current system your 3rd party vote is trash. Ranked choice voting is way better than a 2 party monopoly
Agreed it’s a better way to structure the tally. However a better solution to corrupt senators would be to get rid of the amendment that made them elected by vote instead of as appointed ambassadors of each state government. Senators are meant to be the voice of the states in Washington. The house is the voice of the people. Now there’s no way for states to communicate their wishes in DC.