Trump likely won the 2020 election after all | Blaze Media
After extensive analysis using raw survey data coupled with mail-in vote totals, we concluded that mail-in voter fraud almost certainly changed the 2020 election outcome in all six crucial swing states.
This isn't how this works. Right wing media source confirms election was stolen. Of course that's true, but the source being right wing lets those who need to hear this message shut it down completely and do another round of Jaeger shots.
This article, to have any effect whatsoever, would have to come out in USA Today, Newsweek, Time, the Atlantic, NYT, LAT, PBS, C-SPAN, and "ABCNNBCBS", all at the same time.
None of those CIA controlled media outlets will ever report on this unless the CIA tells them to, and for that to happen it we would need pigs to fly.
Or the military to hold them to it
100% correct!
^imma stop you right there.
You're correct
Isn’t the blaze supposed to be , normal ? Are they just now getting it !
Also covered in The Epoch Times, see my post just a couple of minutes ago, above this one.
I wish you would have dropped the link...
Also my GAW post:
Just now figuring that out?
Good of Glenn to finally catch up.
Oh well. Shucks. Better luck next time.
Well we can all look forward to it happening again in a few months.