i just came across this one,i know how some people think of this guy ,not really sure what i think ,it's not for me to tell ya'll what to think either ,so anyway ,it's pretty mind blowing what he's saying here,make of it what you will ,and i'm not going to give an assortation of this one, you have to hear it for yourselves.
Phil is a G R I F T E R of the highest magnitude fren.
I just can’t with Godlewski
Fuck that pedo
Well any idiot who posts a video where the first 16 min. 22 sec. are just some stupid "music" and then wasting more time with long dramatic pauses, probably doesn't deserve to have our time wasted on him and his opinions... but that's just me. Your mileage may vary.
This. A summary from someone with the patience to actually listen to the sound of paint drying would be nice.
Funny, I came across this, a couple days ago as well. https://rumble.com/v4ca3uu-the-greatest-fraud-on-earth-the-phil-godlewski-story.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2
I watched this video, I am amazed at what a sick and evil man he is. Stealing so many 401k's, taking 20% off the top of every investment, people left with less than 50% of their initial investment. Lying about all of his followers. I watched the video where he denied his pedophile past, I didn't believe him. He tried real hard to convince everyone he was innocent.
I have a coworker who still watches his videos even after I have told him several times the dude is a fraud. I feel if I confronted my coworker any further on the situation it may hurt our friendship. I'm going to let him figure it out on his own at this point.
Convicted criminal, grifter and all around scoundrel.
Ehh turn him off!