"This woman unjustly had President Trump’s mugshot taken, hired her secret lover to prosecute our favorite President with taxpayer dollars and now she is testifying in court, screaming like a lunatic, and it’s broadcast on every mainstream news outlet for the whole world to see."...FAFO... 😁😎
Karma Is a BITCH!

With her backwards ass dress
Her head's on backwards. Common democrat problem.
I'm glad you got that figured out. LOL
And that ain't all. According to body language experts like Mandy Bombard, the CONSTANTLY RAISED EYEBROWS that never go down are a direct, reliable, unmistakeable sign of lying.
The “Believe Me!” Look is what it’s generally called. The smile, when added, makes it “Duper’s Delight”.
I want to know more about the campaign money she took home. She admitted yesterday.
then her ass wipe BF is saying well most of my clients pay me in cash......fraud much??
Because he's a defense attorney in GA, and all of his clients are drug dealers. Cash is the only way they can keep it.
When watching it sounded more like she withdrew her own money, which she was going to use for her campaign and in doing so, took the opportunity to instead keep some as cash. It would be great if we could prove she filed all of that withdrawal as campaign finance monies for taxes.
Her name is fani. Fani = ASS.
Not in Britain or Australia! Tee hee
She is a C*NT of the highest order. Sorry to our intelligent, critically thinking female frens here...but no other word comes even close to describing this corrupt slob than that one.
I use that word too for very special people like Killary and Piglosi. It fits old fani too.😁
While I greatly dislike that word, sometimes there just aren't any other options that are sufficiently descriptive. I'd say this is one of those times.
with all the sweating she is doing should be loosing weight....i dont see it though
I’m still stuck on the “Have you ever?”
“…ever?” Video of her cabin/lodge boy toy.
Yeah, we knew she was trash, she just opened her pie hole and proved it.
What's that pin on her dress? Have a cyanide capsule in it?
Imagine thinking the courts will set this right. They will affirm everything she did was above board and what’s more they will probably fine President Trump for daring to question her. There will be no relief from the corrupt courts.
Everything she does just keeps blasting Trump's popularity higher into the stratosphere.
Keep it up, big fat Fani with the big fat fanny!
More, please, more!.......just like you, at Golden Corral.
So what exactly is the charge here? I don't recall anybody ever even mentioning what Trump is on trial for or what he's accused of with this.
Yet more free ads for Trump.
Ball headed bitch