No communication problems on my Patriot Mobile network. Which is odd because they use other networks for their service.
Edit: Very happy with my Patriot Mobile service by the way. I live in SoCal but driven to Mt. Rushmore and back in a very roundabout way including Yellowstone, Colorado Springs, down through Dallas and back home with little coverage issues.
If you all would have gotten the vax shot then we wouldn’t have this communication problem
Don't forget the cow farts.
I thought global warming caused this outage (??). Or was it racism?
I could have sworn masking up in my car would have lead to less homophobia. Which, in turn, would have had some kind of effect on AT&T.
No communication problems on my Patriot Mobile network. Which is odd because they use other networks for their service.
Edit: Very happy with my Patriot Mobile service by the way. I live in SoCal but driven to Mt. Rushmore and back in a very roundabout way including Yellowstone, Colorado Springs, down through Dallas and back home with little coverage issues.
I love Patriot Mobile