Blockbuster Bill Would Eliminate Most Wyoming Property Tax, Hike Sales Tax 2%
Rep. Steve Harshman's blockbuster tax reform proposal that would eliminate most property tax in Wyoming in return for hiking the sales tax by 2% passed the House Revenue Committee on Tuesday. “Our people need this and want this,” he said.
Property taxes mean you never own your property; you are just renting it from the government. It has to go.
Amen! 👍 People are forced to pay property taxes on property they bought with money they've earned which they already paid tax on. It's robbery and enslavement. Has to end if we are to make America great.
Property taxes were first proposed by Marx in the Communist Manifesto.
Of course because they do not believe in private property. All property, including our bodies, are owned by the state in their utopia...
Hear hear.
You are correct, and people in the northern part of WY will drive to MT to make major purchases as MT has no sales tax.
I know people from the northern part of WY that do just that for very large purchases.