I respectfully disagree. IMHO the mutilation of our language is part and parcel of the mutilation of our culture, our trust in our fellow humans, our basic societal underpinning of man + woman, our dignity, our civilization.
Forcing schoolchildren to learn five times more fake pronouns and shaming them when they get them wrong is not trivial; it's child abuse.
Someone on badlands correctly identified it the other day as deliberate overloading of language.
Assign extra meanings to a word or create a new division within an existing concept. “Linguistic Overload”
Attack that new target
Get people to turn on the old concept and attack it themselves through confusion of it with the new false one
We are fighting literal witches, wizards, and warlocks channeling demonic spellcrafting.
Spell Crafting. Word. Crafting.
Witch comes from Wicca which means “To Weave”.
“Hypnosis” means “to put to sleep”
They create veils to put over peoples’ eyes so they can act in darkness.
Wizards = “Wise Men” = Scientists / College Professors
Warlocks = “People who Generate Conflict” = MIC Sales and Marketing, Think TANKS, Lobbyists
All due respect...two points of view. Mine is this:
Armor them. Strengthen them. Teach them they can stand up for themselves. If they are faithful and confident, all the garbage Satan throws their way will be trivial AT BEST.
God bless.
Well jeopardy is trivia. Excess pronouns are trivial. Seems fitting.
I respectfully disagree. IMHO the mutilation of our language is part and parcel of the mutilation of our culture, our trust in our fellow humans, our basic societal underpinning of man + woman, our dignity, our civilization.
Forcing schoolchildren to learn five times more fake pronouns and shaming them when they get them wrong is not trivial; it's child abuse.
Someone on badlands correctly identified it the other day as deliberate overloading of language.
We are fighting literal witches, wizards, and warlocks channeling demonic spellcrafting.
Spell Crafting. Word. Crafting. Witch comes from Wicca which means “To Weave”. “Hypnosis” means “to put to sleep” They create veils to put over peoples’ eyes so they can act in darkness.
Wizards = “Wise Men” = Scientists / College Professors Warlocks = “People who Generate Conflict” = MIC Sales and Marketing, Think TANKS, Lobbyists
Light that *** up!!
For God, country, family, and LIFE!
You might find this interesting. Modern SPELLING & curses, exposing the language of satan. https://youtu.be/NnlsK9ETb8Q?si=YYnJRjnD16_9Q2rp
Will check it out!
All due respect...two points of view. Mine is this: Armor them. Strengthen them. Teach them they can stand up for themselves. If they are faithful and confident, all the garbage Satan throws their way will be trivial AT BEST. God bless.