I completely agree. No more omnibus bills where the entire kitchen sink is thrown in. No more Continuing Resolutions either.
All of us have to figure out how to pay our bills on time. All of us have to budget and save accordingly. Our reps are supposed to represent us. Time to act as we do.
Bills should be itemized with simple up down votes.
I know I am barking at the wind. But just wanted to say it.
If I had the money, I would send 535 quills and ink pots to Congress and then to our state houses as well. Bills should be written with a quill so the temptation of producing verbal diarrhea via word processing is discouraged. It was good enough for our founding fathers. Ergo, it is good enough for our representatives today.
Also, their pay should come from their state not a federal paymaster. They should have whatever their state decides to give them like every other state employee. Then they won't be able to vote.their own pay raises.
These bills should be limited to 1500 words. The length of an upper level essay amd no legalese should be allowed.
I completely agree. No more omnibus bills where the entire kitchen sink is thrown in. No more Continuing Resolutions either.
All of us have to figure out how to pay our bills on time. All of us have to budget and save accordingly. Our reps are supposed to represent us. Time to act as we do.
Bills should be itemized with simple up down votes.
I know I am barking at the wind. But just wanted to say it.
Typical 4th grade reading level is another great reason for what SOGWAP recommends.
True indeed.
If I had the money, I would send 535 quills and ink pots to Congress and then to our state houses as well. Bills should be written with a quill so the temptation of producing verbal diarrhea via word processing is discouraged. It was good enough for our founding fathers. Ergo, it is good enough for our representatives today.
While your at it fren…make congress return to their States via Horse and buggy. Would love to see Pelosi after a trip like that😂😂😂😂
Be nice to see her take a trip through the Donner Pass this weekend.
Agree.. but do the younger members know cursive?
When the internet goes down, they will have time to learn!
Definitely NOT! No-one even attempted to teach my grandkids cursive - that was too big of a mystery to be decoded.
Also, their pay should come from their state not a federal paymaster. They should have whatever their state decides to give them like every other state employee. Then they won't be able to vote.their own pay raises.
If any bill is more complicated to read than the Constitution then it should be thrown out immediately.
If it is at least most Americans can read it and say hell no.
1 issue, 1 bill