Education would include learning how Germany felt betrayed by the Jews during WW1 so that they could be given Palestine and you would learn that during the Weimar Republic the same religion declared a world-wide business war on Germany.
You would also learn how in Berlin all sexual perversions were extant. Sound familiar?
What I'm interested in is the theory he didn't try to eliminate the Jews via gas chambers. That's the thing to focus on the most. Being mad someone was trying to destroy your country is sound, but not the kill the entire race thing.
the camps were work camps. from the videos, they had music, food, practice their religion....
the parts they kept the Russian POWs in is a different story. the Germans tortured and experimented on them. the propaganda says it was the Jews getting the treatment... nope.
gas chamber stories are things adults tell children to scare them. the Germans had to bug bomb the building sometimes to remove bugs. adults told children that it was gas chambers. read any report and the Jews talk of "the smell of the gas" ... nope, if it leaked out that bad, there are side effects to the people around them. no mention.
if they change to "the smell was cremation/ ovens".. nope. at the time, the Germans where well aware and capable of burning bodies with minimal smell.
starvation??? yeah, war time. supply lines cut. no food for soldiers or workers. plenty in the beginning.
look up the news article: Jew meets US soldier that freed her from Auschwitz. problem: Russia freed Auschwitz..
story after story the Jews tell for sympathy and to monetize it. the moon walking Jew. the woman who survived because the Germans ran out of gas. the woman who was fed poison to kill and/or sterilize her.... she tells the story to her 6 children. all the shoes, boo hoo. that was the shoe shop they issued and repaired shoes. the pool they say was just for Germans, pictures of the Germans swimming against the Jews in friendly competition say different.
there is a reason all the record keepers and guards were hunted down and killed. higher ranking members left the country. Hello ClA ... we see you.
these assholes erased history and killed anyone who could tell the truth.
I did enjoy that particular factoid. Numbers from 1938 to 1948ish according to some prominent Jewish organization that conducted the census, IIRC? It's hard to know how accurate the count was of course. It was an attempt at a global figure and such large projects always have a bit of uncertainty built in.
I question it because it is documented that 1.2 million Jews were indeed killed in the German camps. The Germans kept meticulous records. The Jews who did the historical research attempting to verify it were well-trained researchers with a strong personal motive to find and identify the 6 million. These were friends and family, and they wanted to do justice to their memory by learning the truth of their fate and seeking justice for them. They found 1.2 million.
When they started with 11 million and we know for a fact that 1.2 million (at least) died in the camps alone, let alone as combat casualties fighting for the allies, or from natural causes as any population does, I expect to see 9-9.5 million on the back end. They didn't have that many babies to get 12 million. So something's not adding up. I have to question the sources here. I know the 6 million figure was bunk, but what about the 11M and 12M before and after numbers? Bunk, also?
Can you provide some sort of sources for the 1.2M figure? It is very difficult to find accurate numbers. Also, it's not just the concentration camp jews. There were many killed in poland massacres by the USSR (both when they were Axis and when they were Allies). It's tough to really figure out how many jews were killed. Any sources you have would be greatly appreciated.
Education is noticing the similarities and tyrannical strategies and tactics shared by Mao's Cultural Revolution, Hitler's Final Solution, and America's social and political targeting of anti-vaxxers and MAGA patriots -- and for that matter, of engineered genocides and democides everywhere throughout history. (Yes, thank God, America's "Final Solution" hasn't gotten as far yet -- although if we count the Vax, it may actually be worse).
Whatever bad things "the Jews" did to the Germans, the fact remains that the vast majority of Jewish people, then and today, are decent human beings and not "in on" any vile conspiracy against others. SOME, yes, but the same is true for any large group; just look around. Jews tend to be well-educated and proportionally a larger percentage of them are in positions of power in and out of government, meaning that we see a disproportionate number of them in the Cabal.
Targeting a large group of mostly-innocent people instead of going after the much smaller group that actually perpetrated the crime you're avenging is exactly what America did after 9/11 when we bombed, invaded, and destroyed the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan instead of tracking down and arresting or killing the perps of the 9/11 terrorist actions. It was like invading New Jersey and killing thousands of citizens and destroying basic infrastructure and thousands of homes because some of the Mafia lives there.
Hitler DID in fact target Jews generally, and (especially as time went on) dissidents (i.e., honest and thoughtful German patriots), Catholics, homosexuals, and others; the corrupt apparatus that enforced all this could and did target anyone that a member of the apparatus wanted to target (typically to arrest and send the victim to the camps so their property could be confiscated). Kinda like what we have brewing here in America right now.
Jews tend to be well-educated and proportionally a larger percentage of them are in positions of power in and out of government, meaning that we see a disproportionate number of them in the Cabal.
This is not coincidental. The system works as an aristocracy, and the Jewish aristocracy is, by design, larger than for any other demographic. The aristocracy is not just an aristocracy, but also a meritocracy. So if you are of the "right blood" you will be more likely to get opportunities, with no guarantees of success. This gatekeeping of opportunity keeps the aristocracy the aristocracy, but also encourages excellence and fits with their religion (I don't mean Judaism as the term is commonly used).
It is through this selective opportunity system that certain groups have advantages. The whole "jews tend to be well-educated" stuff is because they are much more likely to have the opportunity to become so. The Cabal created the education system. They created the selection systems. They created the awards systems, the publication systems, the credential systems. This system then hands out opportunities and gives voices "fairly" by the view from the outside. But it is especially fair to those who are of The Blood (not just Jewish blood, but any member of the aristocracy)..
The reason the association fallacy of blaming The Jews is so prominent is, 1, because it is pushed as a form of controlled opposition, driving the narrative that the "jews are persecuted" so they can hide their crimes, but also, 2, because there is some merit to it. It was for Jewish reasons that The Plan is in operation. It was for the creation of the State of Israel that the World Wars happened. That, and the creation of the UN, which is run, at the top, by people who call themselves Jewish.
Yes, there are people other than those who call themselves Jews that are members of the very top, but everything suggests they are there working towards what can best be described as "Jewish goals" (whatever that may mean, but it has to do with biblical (Old Testament) prophecies, the Chosen Race, and the Promised Land).
So even though there are more involved than just those who call themselves Jews, the same Aristocratic Jewish Class has been running the show the entire time.
None of that takes away from the association fallacy of blaming all the Jews. Indeed, that's a feature, not a bug. It is an intentional shield used to hide crimes. The point is, there is merit to it, but only in the sense that the Jews, if taken as a nation, are the primary instigators and beneficiaries of the actions, and thus when we call out a nation (which doesn't really exist) as the perpetrator, we automatically make an association fallacy. Blaming The Jews is no different than blaming the "Germans" or even the subgroup, the "Nazis" or the Americans or the Democrats, etc.. It is a very natural thing to blame a group for the actions of a few, unfortunately.
Education is not learning 'how' millions of ordinary Germans were convince that it was required.
Education is understanding why they were convinced it was required, and that starts with a through investigation to the conditions and those behind those conditions in Germany.
don't ask why the Germans burned books. ask: what books did they burn?
you will find it's a bunch of pedophile books aimed at children. sound familiar?
go deeper and you will find that these evil people of Jewish claim are not Jewish, but satanists. they infiltrated. the Jewish people are being held hostage. so much kid rape / cannibalism/ incest. I would like them all shipped off. the criminals are as bad as the ones protecting them. it's more humane to keep the sympathizers having to live with the ones they protect.
Education is understanding rank and file Germans accepted that after the "communists" vowed to undermine Germany's war effort, they were put to work, protected, until Germany wins the war and the communists can be removed to a land of their own.
6 million jews is fake news designed by Bolsheviks, it's always 6 million, the Jews were infiltrating Germany at all levels and injecting Jewish ideologies just like we see today in America Jewish monopoly of finance, government, media so on and so on
Education is understanding how 10's of dozens of internet trolls came to the conclusion that Hitler had zero responsibility for the deaths of literally zero jews.
Oh? So how many Jewish deaths (during WW2) does that pinnacle of intellectual honesty, Chat GPT, attribute to adolph hitler? Show us the exact number that Chat GPT tells you, along with the stated question(s).
Education would include learning how Germany felt betrayed by the Jews during WW1 so that they could be given Palestine and you would learn that during the Weimar Republic the same religion declared a world-wide business war on Germany.
You would also learn how in Berlin all sexual perversions were extant. Sound familiar?
Banning Usury, historically, seems to be the fastest way to improve a Nation's destiny.
The Danzig massacres were left out of the history books
education is learning the Jews threatened to financial cripple Germany because Hitler wanted bank regulations
What I'm interested in is the theory he didn't try to eliminate the Jews via gas chambers. That's the thing to focus on the most. Being mad someone was trying to destroy your country is sound, but not the kill the entire race thing.
the camps were work camps. from the videos, they had music, food, practice their religion....
the parts they kept the Russian POWs in is a different story. the Germans tortured and experimented on them. the propaganda says it was the Jews getting the treatment... nope.
gas chamber stories are things adults tell children to scare them. the Germans had to bug bomb the building sometimes to remove bugs. adults told children that it was gas chambers. read any report and the Jews talk of "the smell of the gas" ... nope, if it leaked out that bad, there are side effects to the people around them. no mention.
if they change to "the smell was cremation/ ovens".. nope. at the time, the Germans where well aware and capable of burning bodies with minimal smell.
starvation??? yeah, war time. supply lines cut. no food for soldiers or workers. plenty in the beginning.
look up the news article: Jew meets US soldier that freed her from Auschwitz. problem: Russia freed Auschwitz..
story after story the Jews tell for sympathy and to monetize it. the moon walking Jew. the woman who survived because the Germans ran out of gas. the woman who was fed poison to kill and/or sterilize her.... she tells the story to her 6 children. all the shoes, boo hoo. that was the shoe shop they issued and repaired shoes. the pool they say was just for Germans, pictures of the Germans swimming against the Jews in friendly competition say different.
there is a reason all the record keepers and guards were hunted down and killed. higher ranking members left the country. Hello ClA ... we see you.
these assholes erased history and killed anyone who could tell the truth.
Hitler was kinda reich I mean right.
education is learning that 11M-6M= 12M
Yup. Ole' Noam Chomsky. Mr. Controlled Opposition himself.
I did enjoy that particular factoid. Numbers from 1938 to 1948ish according to some prominent Jewish organization that conducted the census, IIRC? It's hard to know how accurate the count was of course. It was an attempt at a global figure and such large projects always have a bit of uncertainty built in.
I question it because it is documented that 1.2 million Jews were indeed killed in the German camps. The Germans kept meticulous records. The Jews who did the historical research attempting to verify it were well-trained researchers with a strong personal motive to find and identify the 6 million. These were friends and family, and they wanted to do justice to their memory by learning the truth of their fate and seeking justice for them. They found 1.2 million.
When they started with 11 million and we know for a fact that 1.2 million (at least) died in the camps alone, let alone as combat casualties fighting for the allies, or from natural causes as any population does, I expect to see 9-9.5 million on the back end. They didn't have that many babies to get 12 million. So something's not adding up. I have to question the sources here. I know the 6 million figure was bunk, but what about the 11M and 12M before and after numbers? Bunk, also?
Can you provide some sort of sources for the 1.2M figure? It is very difficult to find accurate numbers. Also, it's not just the concentration camp jews. There were many killed in poland massacres by the USSR (both when they were Axis and when they were Allies). It's tough to really figure out how many jews were killed. Any sources you have would be greatly appreciated.
I've never seen a reliable source on 1.2M
Education is noticing the similarities and tyrannical strategies and tactics shared by Mao's Cultural Revolution, Hitler's Final Solution, and America's social and political targeting of anti-vaxxers and MAGA patriots -- and for that matter, of engineered genocides and democides everywhere throughout history. (Yes, thank God, America's "Final Solution" hasn't gotten as far yet -- although if we count the Vax, it may actually be worse).
Whatever bad things "the Jews" did to the Germans, the fact remains that the vast majority of Jewish people, then and today, are decent human beings and not "in on" any vile conspiracy against others. SOME, yes, but the same is true for any large group; just look around. Jews tend to be well-educated and proportionally a larger percentage of them are in positions of power in and out of government, meaning that we see a disproportionate number of them in the Cabal.
Targeting a large group of mostly-innocent people instead of going after the much smaller group that actually perpetrated the crime you're avenging is exactly what America did after 9/11 when we bombed, invaded, and destroyed the nations of Iraq and Afghanistan instead of tracking down and arresting or killing the perps of the 9/11 terrorist actions. It was like invading New Jersey and killing thousands of citizens and destroying basic infrastructure and thousands of homes because some of the Mafia lives there.
Hitler DID in fact target Jews generally, and (especially as time went on) dissidents (i.e., honest and thoughtful German patriots), Catholics, homosexuals, and others; the corrupt apparatus that enforced all this could and did target anyone that a member of the apparatus wanted to target (typically to arrest and send the victim to the camps so their property could be confiscated). Kinda like what we have brewing here in America right now.
Sauce: the late R.J. Rummel's Death by Government (and here's his website)
and The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression
sent the Jews away to have their property seized...
who seized the property??
the Jews seized the property. George Soros was part of that. it was the Jews stealing from the Jews. when caught, they blamed the Nazis.
nazis were/are controlled by the Jews.
"skin heads" shaved their heads to hide the Jewish characteristics.
all these hate groups always lead to Jews as the leaders.
they victimize their own people for sympathy. the leaders are that sick
This is not coincidental. The system works as an aristocracy, and the Jewish aristocracy is, by design, larger than for any other demographic. The aristocracy is not just an aristocracy, but also a meritocracy. So if you are of the "right blood" you will be more likely to get opportunities, with no guarantees of success. This gatekeeping of opportunity keeps the aristocracy the aristocracy, but also encourages excellence and fits with their religion (I don't mean Judaism as the term is commonly used).
It is through this selective opportunity system that certain groups have advantages. The whole "jews tend to be well-educated" stuff is because they are much more likely to have the opportunity to become so. The Cabal created the education system. They created the selection systems. They created the awards systems, the publication systems, the credential systems. This system then hands out opportunities and gives voices "fairly" by the view from the outside. But it is especially fair to those who are of The Blood (not just Jewish blood, but any member of the aristocracy)..
The reason the association fallacy of blaming The Jews is so prominent is, 1, because it is pushed as a form of controlled opposition, driving the narrative that the "jews are persecuted" so they can hide their crimes, but also, 2, because there is some merit to it. It was for Jewish reasons that The Plan is in operation. It was for the creation of the State of Israel that the World Wars happened. That, and the creation of the UN, which is run, at the top, by people who call themselves Jewish.
Yes, there are people other than those who call themselves Jews that are members of the very top, but everything suggests they are there working towards what can best be described as "Jewish goals" (whatever that may mean, but it has to do with biblical (Old Testament) prophecies, the Chosen Race, and the Promised Land).
So even though there are more involved than just those who call themselves Jews, the same Aristocratic Jewish Class has been running the show the entire time.
None of that takes away from the association fallacy of blaming all the Jews. Indeed, that's a feature, not a bug. It is an intentional shield used to hide crimes. The point is, there is merit to it, but only in the sense that the Jews, if taken as a nation, are the primary instigators and beneficiaries of the actions, and thus when we call out a nation (which doesn't really exist) as the perpetrator, we automatically make an association fallacy. Blaming The Jews is no different than blaming the "Germans" or even the subgroup, the "Nazis" or the Americans or the Democrats, etc.. It is a very natural thing to blame a group for the actions of a few, unfortunately.
Education is not learning 'how' millions of ordinary Germans were convince that it was required.
Education is understanding why they were convinced it was required, and that starts with a through investigation to the conditions and those behind those conditions in Germany.
look at current events...
who runs the porn industry. banks. Hollywood.
majority in Congress/ Senate
leadership in BLM.
don't ask why the Germans burned books. ask: what books did they burn?
you will find it's a bunch of pedophile books aimed at children. sound familiar?
go deeper and you will find that these evil people of Jewish claim are not Jewish, but satanists. they infiltrated. the Jewish people are being held hostage. so much kid rape / cannibalism/ incest. I would like them all shipped off. the criminals are as bad as the ones protecting them. it's more humane to keep the sympathizers having to live with the ones they protect.
Education is understanding rank and file Germans accepted that after the "communists" vowed to undermine Germany's war effort, they were put to work, protected, until Germany wins the war and the communists can be removed to a land of their own.
6 million jews is fake news designed by Bolsheviks, it's always 6 million, the Jews were infiltrating Germany at all levels and injecting Jewish ideologies just like we see today in America Jewish monopoly of finance, government, media so on and so on
Leftist corporations don't want proper education as described here because what they want is another Holocaust.
Education is understanding how 10's of dozens of internet trolls came to the conclusion that Hitler had zero responsibility for the deaths of literally zero jews.
Oh? So how many Jewish deaths (during WW2) does that pinnacle of intellectual honesty, Chat GPT, attribute to adolph hitler? Show us the exact number that Chat GPT tells you, along with the stated question(s).