I'm still puzzled as to why our government would fly in 320,000 illegals, link below:
The article suggests this was a way to reduce the illegal crossing numbers, but seems an easier way to do that is to secure the border. The article also talks about some parole program where they get two years of legal status and are allowed to work.
I don't trust this administration, or most of our congress for that matter. Biden didn't win in 2020 and have even less of a chance of winning in 2024 unless they have some shenanigans planned. Is there a chance they could have naturalized these illegals on the flight, signed them up to vote, and then drop them off in swing states? I see they didn't want to reveal which airports they were flown to.
Well it’s quite obvious why they were flown here. The plain answer is so they can cheat again in the election! Also, according to Dave on the X-22 report, these illegals are the foot soldiers for the deep state so when the SHTF, they can be mobilized to cause chaos just like antifa and BLM did during the spring/summer of 2020.
this as well as more seats simply because thats based on census (illegal or not)
they want to crush Canada
they want to crush the USA
Mexico is already lost
their plan is to COMBINE all 3x into a single entity, ruled by a global body that none of us elected.
that is why the capstone is not seated on the pyramid on the back of the dollar. it means their plan is still "in the works"
in the short term, its helping to bring in votes for communism, by offering these people all the free shit they can get, in return for "votes for Xiden"
in the long term, its to destroy the sovereignty of the USA & to help usher in a world totalitarian, socialist government.
They needed more storm troopers.
A lot of the last ones died in the Ukraine.
Flying people in and distributing them across the country is just one way to spread out the invasion, keeping the growing problem out of the public eye by not invading one region too rapidly. Keeps us more docile.
Another major reason is to offset people fleeing blue states. Since house representation is based upon (broken) census numbers, the globalist fags cannot afford to lose a bunch of seats. Essentially, they need bodies to shore up where their support is rapidly eroding.
New voters are another obvious reason.
Then more nefarious efforts like importing foreign/UN soldiers to fuck things up when they get the green light.
Also, erasing white people and honestly anyone else who identifies with what the American standard of living used to be. Why appease those annoying voters when you can just displace them with third worlders and silently applaud while they're figuratively and literally raping and murdering US citizens?
They want us dead, don't ever forget that. There are a thousand reasons for them to import an army of orcs to destroy the country that they so vehemently hate.
I don't have that much background but what if it didn't even happen and this is something else to wake people up? They can say what ever they want
Harvest. Of them, not by them.
All the illegals say Biden when asked who they are voting for, so you know the ones flying over will do the same thing because they consider Bidet a great person allowing them free reign and give them lots of incentives in the US.
Get-out-the-vote flights.