The players of this game are diverse with some completely evil, others not so much and all degrees in between. God will judge all.
In Pence's case I am skeptical as it strikes me his action or inaction on January 6th makes little difference in the game outcome. NOCSWIC. Did Pence sellout or take one for the team? All will be revealed. IMO, the game clock is winding down and there are no timeouts left. Get more popcorn..
It’s not sour grapes, He’s a traitor!
Always was.
And I wouldn't endorse Pence for dog catcher.
How about kennel cleaner?
Works for me.
The fact that he's making endorsements as if he's relevant is offensive as a person with a brain.
I know. Like who exactly cares what Pence thinks.
I endorse Mike Pence for National Traitor.
I wonder if she was sleeping around with him too.
Oh wait, isn't he into mudlarking?
The fly knows.
Pence & Hillary:
Those two are existing on fumes trying to be relevant.
I will be busy sampling the 480 VOLT Lunch Menu at GITMO
Do I have any takers for Arkancide with photos of minors?
Good, we dont need any more deepstate puppets with a cabal hand up their asses in office anymore O_O
I endorse Mike Pence for King of the Faggots.
Trump stabbed in the back on the Ides of March.
Pense must work for the Roman faction of globalhomo.
Definitely homo.
I don't give a rat's ass what Pence thinks. lol
Ok, so?
The players of this game are diverse with some completely evil, others not so much and all degrees in between. God will judge all.
In Pence's case I am skeptical as it strikes me his action or inaction on January 6th makes little difference in the game outcome. NOCSWIC. Did Pence sellout or take one for the team? All will be revealed. IMO, the game clock is winding down and there are no timeouts left. Get more popcorn..
Some have said he's a WH playing his part. I no longer care. Fuck Pence.
Okay 30 Pence, as if anyone cares about your endorsement.
Is that photo old or new?
Did his wife get an envelope?
This isn't shocking at this point. Water is wet.
So Pence is voting for Pedo Joe?