All in the "Family business". I REALLY want to see Pence Roasting in the Hot Place. But then he's just a shumuck who will be lost on the Dust pile of history. 50 years from now no one will remember his name.
Congrats. But "proof" it ain't. Meaning the photo and/or the relationship between Kinzinger's wife and pence. Low threshold. Proof requires a lot more than that, imo.
because of what Pence did, this is what they did.... Electoral Count Reform Act which will NOW protect Trump 2024. This will prevent Kamala from screwing with Trump’s 2024 win. it took great courage to do what he did n take one for the team, knowing ppl would hate him for it--imo
or does the Electoral Count Reform Act not matter?
All in the "Family business". I REALLY want to see Pence Roasting in the Hot Place. But then he's just a shumuck who will be lost on the Dust pile of history. 50 years from now no one will remember his name.
Pence will be remembered...alongside Benedict Arnold.
Traitors of a feather flock together.
Proof that pense is a globalhomo faggot.
But but but , he’s just playing a bad guy right ?? I hope this pedo traitor is exposed for who and what he is !
He's not that good an actor....
I don't know why so many here, have trouble recognizing who he is.
I never like him or trusted him from the start.
Me either Fren , and we continue to get slammed for it ,, we’ll not as much anymore lol
Because they use their brains, apply logic and critical thinking
Yeah, and that photo with Epstein is proof that Donald Trump is a Cabal stooge, right? /sarc
If you consider this proof, you'll swallow anything.... .
Photo doesn't mean shit.
It's that fact that his wife was penses assistant.
You don't internet much do you.
Regardless of the photo, what you consider to be proof is flimsy at the very best.
It appears that you have set yourself an extremely low bar for proof and evidence and just abandoned altogether the option for critical thinking.
Lifestyle choice, I guess, but not one I'm keen on adopting.
Do you not ask for wisdom everyday?
I have been observing Pence for many years.
Congrats. But "proof" it ain't. Meaning the photo and/or the relationship between Kinzinger's wife and pence. Low threshold. Proof requires a lot more than that, imo.
Nice to know handshake.
But wasn't Pence Trump's VP?
Obviously proof that Trump is corrupt.
Sarcasm. Because its not proof.
Neither is what is presented by OP proof.
because of what Pence did, this is what they did.... Electoral Count Reform Act which will NOW protect Trump 2024. This will prevent Kamala from screwing with Trump’s 2024 win. it took great courage to do what he did n take one for the team, knowing ppl would hate him for it--imo
or does the Electoral Count Reform Act not matter?
One big club.
TRAITOR. All that needs to be said.
Watch the wives