I understand that what I'm about to say is probably out of step with the majority opinion here but I think this view is still worth expressing and debating. I believe this problem is a reality that desperately needs to be addressed.
The country of South Korea is said to be facing "national extinction" due to their extremely low birthrates. At the current rate, the next generation will be roughly one third the size of the current one, shrinking the South Korean population far below anything necessary for the current infrastructure to function. This is a huge problem that no one is talking about.
I brought it up to my friend and his dad who are from South Korea and they made some interesting points as to why this is happening. They said:
South Koreans face an extremely demanding work life. Now that women are almost universally forced to work, motherhood has become nearly impossible. South Korean women simply don't have the time to fulfil their duties as both an employee and a mother.
South Korea is a very market driven society. Having a child is seen as a determent to personal economic security. Parents are also sometimes discriminated against in the workplace.
No woman is ever raised with motherhood in mind anymore. Before Korean independence, raising the next generation was considered a sacred role in line with the old Confucian way of thinking. Since then, the role of woman has shifted from motherhood to economic productivity. Women who decide to be mothers used to be cherished, but now they're considered lazy or wasting their time. Being a parent is seen as a senseless luxury.
South Korean media promotes feminine men and "sexy, fast" lifestyles over more grounded and family oriented ones. Masculinity has almost no presence in South Korean entertainment.
All these elements seem to come together into a common narrative: the mechanisms that increase economic productivity are detrimental to the long-term existence of society.
Now I think of our own country. I see how young people are going to college or hustling instead of getting married. I see how a basic starter home is unaffordable to anyone under the age of 40 in most places. I see the amount of men giving up on life in massive numbers and the women who don't seem to think the vast majority of men are worth marrying in their current financial state. It's a slow moving disaster. Our country and the entire western-inspired world (just about every first world country) is a generation or two away from total demographic implosion. Imagine if half the people around you disappeared today and what that would do to your local economy. Now imagine that happening on such a large scale.
So what's the solution? Socialist countries all seem to have the same problems, along with the million others that come from economic planning. If we look to "healthy" countries, they seem to have a lot of qualities that would repulse the majority in the west. They're "repressive" and underdeveloped according to the standards we've cultivated for ourselves.
So it's a real catch-22. We like the lifestyle that comes with the modern world, but that lifestyle is not feasible in the long term. What tends to survive is static, small scale economies that take part in an unchanging social order. The economy only survives when it's forced to be part of a complete image of society. But that's a hard sell.
I'm just rambling at this point but I wanted to put my thoughts out there to hopefully improve on them. This is just where I'm at right now. Hopefully there's a better option I'm not aware of.
Central banks, printing money are the issue. We are deflating the value of our dollar over time.
They say growth economy and they want it at a steady 2% interest rate. That sounds great. Now say you are training to run. You have a car driving behind you. Start at 1 MPH. Increase the speed of the car every day by 2%. Eventually the car will run you over because you can't run fast enough.
Or think of those money booths on game shows. With out the fan blowing into the box the money will just sit where it is at. They turn on the fan, every one can now grab money out of the sky. The banks are like a fan for the economy, blowing all the good soil away.
A central bank economy is a death match for any nation.
The sooner the fed-res is destroyed, the better off we all are financially
This totally ignores third party "outside" factors, like the giant push by cabal stooges to normalize homosexuality, transsexuality, emasculate men, push for food additives and water chemicals that lower fertility, and let's not forget the greatest factor here.
Going off the gold standard and allowing for inflation to happen. Look at the monetary value of the dollar before the federal reserve, it basically had ZERO inflation. Sometimes, it actually had deflation, which means the money become more valuable.
Get rid of all these external factors, and we'd probably be living like the jetsons right now, minus the flying cars and robot butlers.
So no, capitalism doesn't "promote societal suicide". It's corruption and propaganda from the cabal that promotes it.
Capitalism was booming just 4 short years ago. Capitalism allows everyone who Wants to make money to Work and Earn it. FREE/socialist/communism Gives the worthless slug 'free' money, straight from the Working citizen's pocket. NOTHING in nature supports Free, because it does not exist.
Was thinking the nature having to work point earlier today. A few days after a big snow storm and the birds are going crazy. Feeding, looks like the start of mating time, etc...no slacking on the branch waiting for handouts.
The biggest difference in Man and animals is, animals will Never let the stupid and weak Lead.
Apples & Oranges.
Reality is self correcting
All the isms except capitalism are focused on the destruction of the middle class. Socialist spending and taxation are family killers.
The capitalism we've been working in has central fiat currency as a depreciating asset with gradual decrease in value, reducing saving power of earners forcing both parents to work and destroy the nuclear family.
Capitalism, in its essence, it the ability to pursue commerce and keep (or sell) the product of your labor. The individual has sovereignty over his ability to produce. It is the only “system” that is continually sustainable and prosperous over a long-term. Socialism/Communism/Marxism are “systems” in which the state holds sovereignty over the individuals production to various degrees.
The problem is that we’ve moved from capitalism to a form of socialist corporatism. The middle class has been burdened with supporting the poor as well as the rich. We are also under attack with the following deliberate measures being taken to impoverish citizens, which causes more individuals to work longer and harder in order to achieve more less prosperity:
There are hundreds of actions being taken to burden citizens. The net effect of which is that in 50 years we’ve gone from a society where a man could support a large family with a high school education working 40 hours a week (while building wealth) to… we’ll, whatever we have today. The sad part is that most don’t realize how poor they are because they’ve been allowed to borrow to support their lifestyle (this will end soon).
Everything you’ve seen in school and on TV is to try to convince you that the solution is more government and less freedom. Don’t believe it.
Is this actually true? In practice it tends to look more like leveraging capital to sell the products of other people's labor. The most successful capitalists were not the ones physically producing things themselves.
That's oligarchy; our money (precious metals) was stolen and replaced with paper of no worth. The bankers then took over. That's a captured market, not a free one.
We don’t really live in a capitalist society, at least in a theoretical sense. Yes, it’s branded as being capitalist, but it’s actually quasi Marxist-corporatist financial system that’s crippled by corruption. The system has been redesigned to draw real wealth away from the middle class by the governments and central banks.
By and large, people do not understand what Capitalism is.
They tend to think that it means:
"Private ownership" is used as opposed to "State ownership." That is the contrast that matters within the common discourse. This creates two boxes, and no one is allowed to think outside of those boxes.
In the common propaganda on "the Right," it tends to mean:
This is a conflation of Free Market and Capitalism, which only works if thought is restricted to the two allowed boxes of "private" v. "State" ownership.
What it originally meant is:
Capitalism originally means "to use capital to create more capital." Capitalism, by definition, is about growth. It's all about growth. Constant growth, utilizing capital that already is held by control freaks (which was how capitalism began) leads inevitably to a monopoly. It can be no other way, which is why that is how it is today, albeit hidden from public knowledge.
A free market is not Capitalism. That is the most important thing to understand. They are completely separate things. You can have capitalism in a free market. You can apply any economic design model to any business you want in a free market. The market will decide your success or failure. As long as the information channels remain open, any fuckery will mean doom in a free market.
The key to a free market being free then, is in people being willing to take responsibility for it. In educating themselves. In understanding what propaganda is, and how it drives false beliefs. In understanding that a market cannot remain free if it is regulated, and that the power remains in the votes of the buyers, not in any other system. Responsible self education, an inherent lack of trust, and no regulation or taxation are essential to a market being and remaining free.
Capitalism as applied to an entire economy will always fail. It is like a parasite that must eat it's host. It can't be sustained by design. Indeed, merely "sustaining" itself is completely outside of it's design parameters. Only in a free market can the world protect itself from those who gain substantial capital and employ capitalism (constant growth) as their primary economic model.
This was my point! Capitalism means something very specific and that's what is failing right now. Capitalism is an idea, a mindset that is now imploding on itself. Free markets existed before capitalism.
If the banks weren't controlling silver and gold...only one person would have to work
This guy has always been a shill