Former head of Death Row Records connects Epstein, Diddy and record exec Clive Davis who owned Arista Records. Diddy operated Bad Boy records under Arista Records. Is the entertainment industry a giant honeypot ring?
It’s All About The Benjamins 🤡

Are you really asking this question? Is the entertainment industry one big honey pot?
Every institution, every government, the churches, the education, the boy scouts, the girl scouts, the Olympics, fast food chains like subway... Where there is money there is power that must be controlled. They control it through the use of children.
I was going to LOL at "fast food chains like subway", and then I remembered Jared the pedo...they had him on Fox Sports Sundays, he got to hang out with Terry, Howie, and those guys... take my begrudging updoot, this shit runs deep...
Years and years ago, I used to wonder why in the fuck cities all over the world fought like crazy for the fucking Olympics. I think it's pretty clear why they do that now ... sickening fucks.
Which one are they after more, the human trafficking or the money laundering?
That poor female gymnastics team that were all dillied by the Olympic doctor!