"It’s only a matter of if our country makes it January 2025, and if Trump is able to outperform the steal. Nothing else really matters. No changes can be made until we get the psychos out of office.
We are in a race against the clock. The only thing we can do, is wake up as many normies as possible, and prepare for the worst."
I 100% agree with Clandestine on this....If President Trump doesn't get back into the WH and start getting shit sorted out ASAP, we're in Deep shit...The Entire World.
I'm down with this. I've always known that in the end it would come down to something like this. The forces of evil are implacable, and we cannot "compromise" or tolerate them any longer. [THEY] demand that we tolerate them until [they] grow strong, and then [they] banish the good.
We have always been in a death match with [them], but most good people just didn't want to admit it. This nation was born in fire and blood, and it's fire and blood that will save this nation again.
A short story - The Devil releases the donkey in us
A donkey was tied to a tree. The Devil came and untied it.
The donkey ran into the fields and started Destroying the crop. The farmer's wife saw this and shot the donkey dead. The donkey's owner was upset so he shot the farmer's wife. The farmer came back to see his wife dead, he went and shot the donkey's owner. The wife of the owner of the donkey asked her sons to go and burn the house of the farmer. The boys went late evening and carried out their mother's orders happily, assuming that the farmer too would have been burnt with the house. Sadly for them it wasn't that so the farmer came back and shot the wife and the two sons of the owner of the donkey.
Remorseful, the farmer asked the Devil why did all this have to happen?
The Devil said, "I did nothing. I only released the donkey but all of you reacted, overacted and released the inner devil. So the next time before replying, responding, reporting and rebuking stop and think."
Be careful. Many a time what the Devil does is that it just releases the donkey in us.
Hello purkiss...it's been a bit since I've been here, good to be back. I too have hunkered down, but I feel the change coming. There is now a shift happening, slowly, like a drop in a bucket.....but time has now filled the bucket up and soon it will overflow.
Spiritual vibrations are intensified and spring holds God's promise of a new world, wether it is this spring, is unknown, but it will come as the blossoms bloom. GOD WINS...as we know but evil is hanging on to collect those that are weak and without faith. Perhaps it is best to accept that those lost were never to be saved.
I have seen massive destruction of our planet.....but have also seen what it becomes after and it is truly wonderful. We have been chosen for this time. Let's keep faithful to our mission and our Lord's will.
Blessings fren...
Agree! Also there has to be something done about threatening politicians and their family in order to control them. Also bribery via cash or other presents
I mean, unless 2020 is exposed before the election it has to be stolen again in the most over the top, egregious way possible.. Am I the only one seeing this?
What I’m saying is how does Trump just win this election then expose 2020. That makes no sense. It makes sense it’s stolen again, or he’s reinstated before this election for a “great awakening”. A great awakening is not status quo “oh ok, let’s do some more investigations.”
Oh I'm saying I agree with you. If no proof of 2020 election stollen before this year election I think it will be allowed to be stollen again by WH to wake up the rest of the stragglers.
This is our Alamo, lets hope it turns out better than it did for those brave Texans. Personally we (USA) is done if its not Trump in the WH. OUtside of states seceding from the Union like the Confederates did I dont know how we are going to move forward or what group we are going to fight.
"It’s only a matter of if our country makes it January 2025, and if Trump is able to outperform the steal. Nothing else really matters. No changes can be made until we get the psychos out of office.
We are in a race against the clock. The only thing we can do, is wake up as many normies as possible, and prepare for the worst."
I 100% agree with Clandestine on this....If President Trump doesn't get back into the WH and start getting shit sorted out ASAP, we're in Deep shit...The Entire World.
I'm down with this. I've always known that in the end it would come down to something like this. The forces of evil are implacable, and we cannot "compromise" or tolerate them any longer. [THEY] demand that we tolerate them until [they] grow strong, and then [they] banish the good.
We have always been in a death match with [them], but most good people just didn't want to admit it. This nation was born in fire and blood, and it's fire and blood that will save this nation again.
The death match has not started on our side yet, but the way things are shaping up, I bet it not to far off
Sounds very precipice-y
A short story - The Devil releases the donkey in us
A donkey was tied to a tree. The Devil came and untied it.
The donkey ran into the fields and started Destroying the crop. The farmer's wife saw this and shot the donkey dead. The donkey's owner was upset so he shot the farmer's wife. The farmer came back to see his wife dead, he went and shot the donkey's owner. The wife of the owner of the donkey asked her sons to go and burn the house of the farmer. The boys went late evening and carried out their mother's orders happily, assuming that the farmer too would have been burnt with the house. Sadly for them it wasn't that so the farmer came back and shot the wife and the two sons of the owner of the donkey.
Remorseful, the farmer asked the Devil why did all this have to happen?
The Devil said, "I did nothing. I only released the donkey but all of you reacted, overacted and released the inner devil. So the next time before replying, responding, reporting and rebuking stop and think."
Be careful. Many a time what the Devil does is that it just releases the donkey in us.
Sounds very similar to the quarrel between The Hattfields and McCoys. An initial offense incrementally escalated out of control. Tit for tat.......
Interestingly, the Father(leader) of the Hattfields was named "Devil" Anse Hattfield.
So the right answer was to tie the donkey back up and shoot the entire family of the owner 😆
Not updooting to keep +17, but good passage
It's either Q or NWO. There is no other outcome.
It’s KABUKI at this point. Convince me otherwise.
Hello purkiss...it's been a bit since I've been here, good to be back. I too have hunkered down, but I feel the change coming. There is now a shift happening, slowly, like a drop in a bucket.....but time has now filled the bucket up and soon it will overflow.
Spiritual vibrations are intensified and spring holds God's promise of a new world, wether it is this spring, is unknown, but it will come as the blossoms bloom. GOD WINS...as we know but evil is hanging on to collect those that are weak and without faith. Perhaps it is best to accept that those lost were never to be saved.
I have seen massive destruction of our planet.....but have also seen what it becomes after and it is truly wonderful. We have been chosen for this time. Let's keep faithful to our mission and our Lord's will.
Blessings fren...
Good to see you back..🙏
Ask your child, "How do you choose a good politician to elect?" Make sure their generation can recognize between a potato and a lion.
Then pass down to them a voting system worth a crap. I lean toward a blockchain based, very transparent, banking level secure voting system.
Those to me are the two most important battle fronts.
Agree! Also there has to be something done about threatening politicians and their family in order to control them. Also bribery via cash or other presents
I mean, unless 2020 is exposed before the election it has to be stolen again in the most over the top, egregious way possible.. Am I the only one seeing this?
I agree 100% with you. In fact, I expect it to happen unless the evidence is presented that even liberals agree the election of 2020 was stolen
Trumps just gonna win then expose it? How does that work? People on both sides will be like huh. Could have done this last time, gtfo!
What I’m saying is how does Trump just win this election then expose 2020. That makes no sense. It makes sense it’s stolen again, or he’s reinstated before this election for a “great awakening”. A great awakening is not status quo “oh ok, let’s do some more investigations.”
Oh I'm saying I agree with you. If no proof of 2020 election stollen before this year election I think it will be allowed to be stollen again by WH to wake up the rest of the stragglers.
This is our Alamo, lets hope it turns out better than it did for those brave Texans. Personally we (USA) is done if its not Trump in the WH. OUtside of states seceding from the Union like the Confederates did I dont know how we are going to move forward or what group we are going to fight.
DJT did say last October that in 5 months time he would be back in the White House, what happened to that?
.maybe he's back and you just don't know it.
I think there would be some rumors suggesting this on here if he was.
I was wondering the same thing. The votes, up or down, and the comments should be interesting.
We do it clean or we will do it dirty.
That's what she said.
Boom sticks and freedom seeds. Also Elon's flaming pitchforks.
Cool story Clandestine. Tell it again.
I've been hunkered down since the 2020 election.
Im not fearful at all as I believe we've got them right where we want them.