I am appealing to those more knowledgeable than myself with the following question. If gold and silver were always kept below $1900.00ish or $24.00ish artificially, what has changed? Any help is appreciated.
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From what I've gathered.....
Jamie Dimon is short on silver and the naked shorts are exposed.
The artificial bindings are being released
What appears to be an increase in value, is actually the dollar tanking. Is tanking fast!
JM, I have a question: on the market index for the dollar it is at 106.04 atm, what exactly meant by USD Index?? TIA
Im not gonna lie, I have no idea.
I just assume all numbers are fake. Even with this price jump, knowing its not the real price still, I at LEAST gather (In my own opinion), that it is a sign of rigging mechanisms being disconnected.
It is not advantageous for ((them)) to let this out of the gate. The interest accrued/owed by these derivatives/commodities guys is enormous everytime it jumps even a bit. Historically, they've been able to smash it down, reign it in and keep it boxed in, just where they like it.
I believe this particular run is against the will of the cabal. Just my own observations.
Talk about price jump: gold went up $42.90 verifies the dollar is tanking...
I looked it up and it has to do with how the $ is doing against 6 major currencies-what this tells us is that yeah to fraud and NO to value..
Dxy is fine and not why gold is pumping
Add the growing anxiety as we approach the election.
China and India are taking delivery. The Emperor is shown to have no clothes. The Central Banks lie and have no more control.
A few points need to be made:
Full disclosure:
Meaning, gold now once again competes with FIAT currency.
Meaning, The casino is bleeding chips.
Man that would be nice. I owe the bank US dollars for my mortgage so if the dollar tanks silver will rocket and I'm paying off my house from my silver reserves.
But luckily buy the same (or more) stuff with his Silver. Dorthy always could go home by clicking her Silver slippers together.
Well a lot of people seem to think we'll see silver hit AT LEAST $5K an ounce, since that's the actual value of silver if you account for all of the price fixing and manipulation done through various methods and look at how much physical silver there is in existence.
But there's been quite a few people on various threads and articles I've seen talk about how with FOMO (like in the 80's silver squeeze with the Hunt Brothers incident) and other factors involved, it's not impossible to see silver hit $50-60K an ounce for a moderately short period of time. Which while amazing, isn't that big of a deal when you consider the amount of ounces most people own.
If I remember correctly, the figures go something like this. 20% of stackers have 50 ounces or more ($3 Million at the $60K an ounce figure), 5% of stackers have 150 ounces or more ($9 Million at $60K an ounce), and the top 1% of stackers have 500 ounces or more ($30 Million at $60K an ounce). Everyone else (consisting of 80% of people who own silver), own less than 50 ounces.
And keep in mind, that's assuming they sell at the absolute peak number I've seen thrown around, which most won't. This is basically gonna be like that first bit coin rally in 2017 and 2018 where people that had bitcoin and sold at NEAR the high, but not quite at the high, came out rich, while everyone else held out because they bought near the top and got crapped on as a result.
While I would love to see those numbers, I just don’t see silver getting that high because that means someone has to be willing to buy silver at that price, and I just don’t see anyone feeling like that is a good buy price. Granted a lot will have changed when we get to that point, so I do acknowledge that change could make it very possible.
To be fair, I think $5-15K would probably be the maximum I can see anyone paying personally (Or at least the maximum I would personally consider), especially since $5K an ounce is the actual value of silver without manipulation (Which has been known by people into silver stacking for quite a few years now), but I won't be super surprised if we see numbers above that.
I hesitate to say $60K an ounce is likely, but It's also not impossible. I look at it like this. Normies have been A LOT more financially savvy the last decade. Well I say savvy, but more like they're literal apes who jump on any chance to "get rich quick". Look at bitcoin and other crypto currencies. I'm not gonna start hating on them in this thread, but people are currently paying nearly $67K a bitcoin as I write this.
And yes I know you can buy bitcoin in portions so not everyone is buying a whole coin, but the same is true of silver. You can get everything from a 1/10 (0.1) oz silver round, to a 10 kg bar.
If you consider FOMO, people panic buying because they think the world is ending, etc. etc. It's not unreasonable to think that Silver (And gold) will temporarily see a sort of "hyper inflated value" where we go from a period of extreme undervalue (what we currently have) to a short period of extreme overvalue.
I'll use pretty much the only real world example we have that's comparable to our current situation. The Hunt Brothers scheme. Just in case anyone reading doesn't know, I'll give a quick synopsis. In the late 70s and early 80s, the Hunt Brothers (a group of Texas Oil tycoon heirs) decided to try and corner the silver market by buying up a majority of the worlds silver. They bought up roughly 9% of the worlds silver supply by using massive amounts of borrowed money.
In doing so, they created a "FOMO" effect among normal people who noticed silver was going up. People started buying into it, hoping that they could get in on the quick rise in silver prices. As a result, supply was greatly constrained while demand kept rising for several months in 1979 leading into 1980.
The end result: Silver jumped from $6 an ounce, to nearly $50 an ounce in less than a year (Just a few months really). More than an 8.3X return.
Now apply that same situation, but also allow for silver to be fully realized in value without the market manipulation of banks and other big institutional investors.
$5K X 8.3= Just under $42K an ounce.
So not quite the $60K number I've seen a few people throw around but still life changing money for silver stackers. Of course most won't hold out until the absolute peak, most big stackers will probably sell at $10-15K or lower, a few greedy ones will hold out to near the absolute peak, and others will crap the bed and lose out entirely.
Of course I'm not saying any of this is absolutely certain to happen. I'm basically counting on silver's REAL value to be realized at roughly $5K an ounce at some point after the cabal is overthrown or a little beforehand. But even then I'm not doing anything life altering like taking out a loan to buy silver nor would I recommend such behavior
I'm just pointing out similar historic context, and applying all the facts as we know for our current situation to make an educated guess of what will happen.
The way I look at it, in an "end of the world" scenario" someone, somewhere, will be dumb enough to buy silver at pretty much any price. No matter how over valued it is, simply because they think it'll be the only currency acceptable in the mad max world, or because they think they can get on the hype train and get rich quick.
It's the same thing that happened with bitcoin, it's the same thing that happened with Tesla, with basically every meme stock and "shit coin", and as I pointed out, it's happened with silver before as well.
Best advice I can give. Buy within your means now while it's low, and when the crap hits the fan, pray to the Lord for guidance on when to sell and go with the gut feeling he provide you with. If things work out, silver stackers could end up rather wealthy, if not just have enough for like a new house or something.
It looks like the ability to create unlimited paper metal derivatives via SLV and GLD ETFs has been constrained in some way. Also, Basel III makes gold (and possibly silver) a tier 1 asset for financial institutions apparently putting it on par with US Treasuries for first time post WW2 (i.e. competition for Federal Reserve). Lastly, Federal Reserve has been nationalized by US Treasury as of 3-27-2020 so it likely has new operational restrictions regarding handing out printed dollars to whoever it wants such as JPMorgan Chase who is primary metals manipulator. Sauce: https://greatawakening.win/p/17s5RXOxo1/djt-national-emergency-13mar-202/c/
Unclear how all the pieces fit together.
Banks are buying lots of gold. Commercial use of silver is 180 million oz short maybe more. There is a supply/demand issue starting and it has been arrificially suppressed price wise. Nations amd people getting rid of useless fiat that at some point won't be accepted. At least not by me.
Non-ZOG markets aren't playing along with the suppression any more
The value of the dollar has dropped.
I will never get rid of PM for fiat. I will only barter it for physical assets when the opportunity arises.
Part of a larger commodity cycle. All major asset classes have had pretty impressive gains. Commodities have been a lagging performer for a long time.
Global dedollarization, derisking into assets with no counterparty risk.
Silver to $600? Meh. Let's focus on $38.
Wisdom of a conservative, but $50 all Time high comes with gold's and the little people waking up. Tiny -Thin markets tend to be volatile.