Fake Jews (Talmudic satanists), not real Jews (Torah); Fakesters are Khazarian origin. Khazarian cultural specialty was ‘Name Stealing’ i.e. impersonating powerful or wealthy people in order to take their identity AND family assets. ‘Name Stealing’=Acting=‘Stage Name’; Hollywood created from the start as Khazarian operation to subvert the culture and professionalize the crime of imposters.
These families have been doing this shit for over 800 years. Western part of Khazaria is present day Ukraine. Eastern part is Kazakhstan. Intentionally split by Russia long ago on purpose. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars
Fake Jews (Talmudic satanists), not real Jews (Torah)
Jews do not follow the "Torah" (first 5 books of the Bible).
Do you know what a yeshiva is? Ever seen how those kids are dressed? Do you know what they study? Do you think those freak bastards are not "real" jews?
They certainly are real jews, with the clothing to match. And they study the Talmud, not the Torah.
Even those who say they follow the Torah are influenced by their rabbis who are influenced by the Talmud.
Furthermore, jews are taught that it is important to LIE about their religion to non-jews. One of those lies is that they use the word "Torah" to mean different things.
On one hand, "Torah" means the first 5 books of the Bible (books of Moses). On the other hand, "Torah" ALSO means ALL teachings of Judaism, whether written or oral, and that INCLUDES the first 5 books of the Bible AND the Talmud AND the Jewish Encyclopedia (which is the ultimate authority, according to them), AND any oral teachings, as well.
They decieve you into thinking they mean one thing when in reality they mean something else entirely.
Fakesters are Khazarian origin.
And where did the Kazarians come from? Did they just suddenly pop out of nowhere?
No, they were a mix of the Edomites and other races of the Bible. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges this -- and the Jewish Encyclopedia is THE source for what IS Judaism.
They later migrated from Edom and Judea (Roman province) northward to Khazaria.
You are not listening to what the jews themselves tell you.
Instead, you are accepting intentional misdirection that is partly true and partly false.
These families have been doing this shit for over 800 years.
More like several thousand years. They became "name stealers" when they claimed to be the original Hebrews and Israelites.
In my view, 'real' jews no longer exist. Haven't for millenia, not since the Kingdom of Judah fell to the Chaldean/Neo-Babylonian empire.
Held captive, syncretism takes hold, no matter how much most modern day Jews want to believe otherwise.
It's much more important to look at what people DO instead of what religious (or non religious) group they associate with.
One of the few benefits of apatheism. It's cool with me if you believe in god, and it's cool with me if you don't. If you're a patriot and fight for freedom, you're ok in my book!
What’s wrong with the Yeshiva dress code? It’s quite decent.
Young men 19-22 all dressed the same – black leather shoes, black slacks, a white button-down shirt, and black yarmulka
Other than the yarmulka, Christian schools basically do the same.
What’s very wrong with Yeshiva is this:
This is why the Bible itself isn’t studied at the Yeshiva, you can’t learn anything more than what the rabbis of old have learned from it. What is left ever since is to study the law as it appears in the Talmud and based on it, reconstruct the underlying structure and meaning behind the God’s laws which are found in it.
Any jew that was following the Torah would have recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
The good jew/bad jew narrative is not validated by scripture.
Jesus is King of the Jews.
The good jew/bad jew narrative is not validated by scripture.
Correct. But scripture does talk about those pretending to be Jews, but worshipping satan. Some of the Jews are a “special class of Christians” appears to be a recent retcon of history started around 800 years ago. ‘Judean’ word recently replaced by ‘Jew’ complicates original intent in many ways.
Fake Jews (Talmudic satanists), not real Jews (Torah); Fakesters are Khazarian origin. Khazarian cultural specialty was ‘Name Stealing’ i.e. impersonating powerful or wealthy people in order to take their identity AND family assets. ‘Name Stealing’=Acting=‘Stage Name’; Hollywood created from the start as Khazarian operation to subvert the culture and professionalize the crime of imposters.
These families have been doing this shit for over 800 years. Western part of Khazaria is present day Ukraine. Eastern part is Kazakhstan. Intentionally split by Russia long ago on purpose. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars
Jews do not follow the "Torah" (first 5 books of the Bible).
Do you know what a yeshiva is? Ever seen how those kids are dressed? Do you know what they study? Do you think those freak bastards are not "real" jews?
They certainly are real jews, with the clothing to match. And they study the Talmud, not the Torah.
Even those who say they follow the Torah are influenced by their rabbis who are influenced by the Talmud.
Furthermore, jews are taught that it is important to LIE about their religion to non-jews. One of those lies is that they use the word "Torah" to mean different things.
On one hand, "Torah" means the first 5 books of the Bible (books of Moses). On the other hand, "Torah" ALSO means ALL teachings of Judaism, whether written or oral, and that INCLUDES the first 5 books of the Bible AND the Talmud AND the Jewish Encyclopedia (which is the ultimate authority, according to them), AND any oral teachings, as well.
They decieve you into thinking they mean one thing when in reality they mean something else entirely.
And where did the Kazarians come from? Did they just suddenly pop out of nowhere?
No, they were a mix of the Edomites and other races of the Bible. Even the Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges this -- and the Jewish Encyclopedia is THE source for what IS Judaism.
They later migrated from Edom and Judea (Roman province) northward to Khazaria.
You are not listening to what the jews themselves tell you.
Instead, you are accepting intentional misdirection that is partly true and partly false.
More like several thousand years. They became "name stealers" when they claimed to be the original Hebrews and Israelites.
Same old song and dance ... my fren.
In my view, 'real' jews no longer exist. Haven't for millenia, not since the Kingdom of Judah fell to the Chaldean/Neo-Babylonian empire.
Held captive, syncretism takes hold, no matter how much most modern day Jews want to believe otherwise.
It's much more important to look at what people DO instead of what religious (or non religious) group they associate with.
One of the few benefits of apatheism. It's cool with me if you believe in god, and it's cool with me if you don't. If you're a patriot and fight for freedom, you're ok in my book!
Oh, jews do exist today.
Some are not particularly religious, but jew is an ethnicity, first and foremost.
The ethnicity didn't just fade away over the past few centuries.
Patriots FTW ... I agree with that.
What’s wrong with the Yeshiva dress code? It’s quite decent.
Other than the yarmulka, Christian schools basically do the same.
What’s very wrong with Yeshiva is this:
Source: https://cross-currents.com/2018/11/23/what-do-they-study-at-yeshivas/
Interesting posts as always, though!
Any jew that was following the Torah would have recognized Jesus as the Messiah. The good jew/bad jew narrative is not validated by scripture. Jesus is King of the Jews.
Correct. But scripture does talk about those pretending to be Jews, but worshipping satan. Some of the Jews are a “special class of Christians” appears to be a recent retcon of history started around 800 years ago. ‘Judean’ word recently replaced by ‘Jew’ complicates original intent in many ways.