COVER-UP EXPOSED: Judge Cannon Unmasks Redacted Documents Revealing Biden White House Direct Ties to Mar-a-Lago Raid, Jack Smith Investigation
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So many booms and evidence of treason. We don't have an evidence problem. We have a consequences problem. Our whole fucking congress is completely corrupt along with all of the cabal institutions.
We are literally at the point where the Founders directed us to oust this fucking govt. Completely astray, tyrannical, and corrupt.
Yes,I’m with you on this!
This is part of show the people. Think about this. I suspect the DS sent their Blackmail teams in to remind everyone of the leverage they have. Remember TC stating Captured ? FISA works both ways ? Lets stand by and lets see how this plays out now. Look at the SCOTUS ruling for Kari Lake ?? SCOTUS Captured ?? Another sting in progress ?
Or … have we been PsyOp’d into sitting by waiting for a Duex Machina plan, we have been suckered into trusting.
If Trump goes to jail, I can assure you, good men are gonna stop doing nothing. This shit is getting out of control. Children are still getting trafficked every day here. Not a single person has been arrested from the Epstein kiddie diddler club. NOT FUKING ONE. Speaker of the House is obviously compromised. Our ONE FEDERAL government is destroying our currency and NOT ONE of the 50 states is doing jack shit about it. The communists now have an invasion force in place right here on US soil and no one seems to believe it, or give a shit (that wont happen here fags). Hollywood just got outed for its pedo culture … crickets.
Downvote all you want. You know Im right
I agree it looks bleak sometimes but then I remember that they could have never come up with anything remotely close to the Q plan we have seen unfold. While showing us (with sick proofs) how evil they are?? These people are sick and stupid. Not masters in the art of war.
Oh yes, I agree. But, if our congress is THAT compromised, what makes anyone think THEY ALL ARE NOT. They own the entire Federal Law enforcement apparatus. Who is going to oppose them? No one. NO ONE. If there is a mystical magical military force out there waiting to pounce … I have a hard time believing they are not infiltrated by the same demonic forces. These sick fucks killed JFK and sold the world a Magic Bullet theory and the world bought it. A Magic bullet. These people are stupid and sick … but the public is even stupider. Magic fuckin bullets.
AmberWins & farpointpatriot...what you have typed is VERY TRUE however, what the Q OP is REALLY doing is drawing out the final critters from their hidey holes...WE as a NATION NEED to find EVERY CRITTER in the government and either charge, fire (w/NO BENEFITS) of ANY KIND and PROSECUTE THE GUILTY...and that will take place at Gitmo...
AND that scenario is coming up pretty soon...I daresay sometime around Halloween time...Ghosts and Goblins and such...PDJT likes to add DRAMA to the OPS along with Q of course!!!
Fren … I want you to be right so badly I can taste that hopium in my dreams.
ROGER THAT...makes two of us possibly with many more we do not know about!!!
I have hope but man, if I were to tell you that the similar psyop was done during the Bolshevik Revolution called Operation Trust... It is quite concerning and has me questioning everything. Same "white knight" is going to come in just in time, trust the process type of language.
The people trusted this and when they realized there was no white knight, it was too fcking late.
Where is the red line for patriots who are following Q? What is the event that will make people say, " Ok, it isn't happening. We need to do something NOW!" Patriots aren't even organized together, only on sites like this which is a loosely organized? All of these things take time, planning, strategy, execution.
If we realize we were played, it is too late. That's what my main concern is.
If people say wait for the precipice, I already think we are there. I know more drastic problems are needed for normies to wake up, but at what cost?
We were bioweaponed 2 times, our currency is dead, or economy is raped, and we have the same fucking criminals guiding the ship. MILLIONS died from the vax and death hospitals.
Our "Resident" OBVIOUSLY stole the election, nothing happened? Oh, and let's not mention he's a fucking proven pedophile, as told by his children?
We are on the edge as we speak, with millions flooding the country, US citizens getting KILLED by illegals, fentanyl killing 100,000 Americans every year, stores being robbed like it is normal... Congress completely fcking us over and stealing our money while our country has terrorist attacks on a main bridge... Waving Ukraine flags like they are laughing at us. Incredible arrogance and corruption.
They are mindfucking kids to cut of their DICKS. What in the FCK?
They are raping us every which way and the only thing we can say is, Trust the Plan?
I really want to know what is the red line. Because I'm getting more concerned daily and becoming very very aware that we might be played right now.
Ok, my rant is over. Getting frustrated as hell over here
I do not see good men standing down. That would be the DS BS Puppets wishful thinking. For the record I do not down vote . I either up vote or do not vote at all.
IIRC, they were only going to give us a small percentage of the bad.
We asked for more.
They agreed.
None of this should be brand new to us, we all have come to our conclusions awhile ago, through various means. Q was a lens that put everything in focus and now we're here.
It's going to get worse but that will hopefully help get the brain washing out.
Secure your family, secure your home.
Prepare for the worst - hope for the best.
This is actually how God works, just read the Book of Judges, Israel lives in quiet and prosperity, they slowly fall into sin, idolatry and apostacy. God sends an enemy to overrun them, to subject them to tribute (taxes) and rule over them. Eventually it became so bad that Israel cried out to God who sent a redeemer to fight for them. The redeemer is successful, the enemy is defeated and ejected and peace and prosperity reign - until they started back to sin, idolatry and apostacy ...
Israel like the rest of the world have DS problem and we know who they serve.
What's the evidence of treason here,?
Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday ordered key evidence in Jack Smith’s classified documents case to be unredacted.
The newly unredacted documents revealed Biden’s White House had direct ties to the Mar-a-Lago raid. The Biden Regime was also directly tied to Jack Smith’s investigation despite claims to the contrary from US Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Before with redactions: Jack Smith wanted to hide the fact that the National Archives had several conversations with the Biden White House.
100% YES! Now … the question is, what will come of it? In a normally functioning law and order society this case would be ejected into the troposphere. All those dirty bastards that set this up would be in leg irons. But here is where I derail … again, nothing happens to those criminal treasonous bastards. ZERO. If that were ANYONE on our side, there would be fucking Apache attack helicopters surrounding their homes and a Division of FBI cucks armed with M134mini guns rolling them out on furniture dollys like Hannibal fukin Lector.
This is now providing us the evidence and proof legally. Keep the faith and eyes on.
How do you introduce evidence?
Amen, Exactly this way.
This alone is enough to warrant the guillotine
The unredacted documents show the Department of Energy discovered Trump had an active security clearance after he was indicted so they retroactively terminated it.
The security clearance for a former POTUS is terminated??? Who the fuck let that happen, and let it happen in the dark? This kind of egregious shit just keeps happening over and over and no one does a damned thing! How much more Bolshevikarian shit needs to happen? This is insanity. The list of exposed fuckery is getting LOOOONG. From all the Covidiosy, Chinese ballons over military bases, Mexican cartels sneaking Chinese MEN into our country, Trump indicted on 6500 counts of horse shit, Pedos fucking everywhere, Congress raping our currency, Biden cant fucking walk a straight line, OVERTLY picking a fight with Russia then blaming them for it?
Damn it frens … someone needs to define “The Precipice”, because if you asked me, we shot past that fucker already.
This is now exposing how deep the corruption goes now.
If a tree falls in the forest...
You can see where this is going now.
It can't be coincidence that this is released on the first day of Trump's NYC trial.
It is getting better. And I agree with you.