Just make sure they arrive ONLY with the clothes on their backs...AND NO CELL PHONES OR COMPUTERS...that would be a REAL wake-up call for these idiots!!!
That’s good to see!!! As much as the traditional male traits have been demonized for the gen zs, they ARE the traditional males far more than expected. Thank God!
It'd be doubly hilarious if they got course credit for activism.
Top Kek
Send this protester a one way ticket to Gaza to support Hamas and the Palestinians in person.
Just make sure they arrive ONLY with the clothes on their backs...AND NO CELL PHONES OR COMPUTERS...that would be a REAL wake-up call for these idiots!!!
They can have a Tamagotchi and a double A battery. They can use those two items to find a way back.
That’s good to see!!! As much as the traditional male traits have been demonized for the gen zs, they ARE the traditional males far more than expected. Thank God!
Next week: “ASU Bans Fraternity”
Cry harder byotch.
I know , I hope this bitch gets beat up by a Muslim
Nice service project for the frats.
Environmental activist, The boys doing a public service and all she can do is scream pigs. Hate ain't the way loser.
She sounds like a good little communist!
She sounds nice
Yeah, because standing there calling them pigs is going to win them to your side.🙄🤣