In general, how bad are libertarians about cutting off their nose to spite their face?
So many people will either not vote, or vote for an opponent if their partys' candidate isn't a 100% perfect magical unicorm match with every single one of their beliefs. 🙄🙄
We definitely agree on more stuff than not with libertarians.....
Gun rights, respect for individual freedom and personal responsibility, Constitution, anti-abortion, and not starting wars.
Trump and Libertarians aren't all that far apart :)
(simplification for illustration purposes; not intended to depict entire Libertarianh Party platform)
Correct. In large strokes: there is a lot that we hold in agreement.
In general, how bad are libertarians about cutting off their nose to spite their face?
So many people will either not vote, or vote for an opponent if their partys' candidate isn't a 100% perfect magical unicorm match with every single one of their beliefs. 🙄🙄
We definitely agree on more stuff than not with libertarians.....
A lot of libertarians still complain about the bump stock stuff though, I'll be curious to see if those types show at an event where they should be.