Remember the Dakota access pipe line (dapl)? Climate activists left thousands of tons of litter, garbage, human waste, and 3 fucking dogs. Yes, 3 unclaimed dogs, you read that right. Libtards care only about signaling their virtue. They are professional costume changers depending on the protest du jour.
Oh my heart bleeds for the poor trash-picker-uppers, who will be paid a minimum wage, and can now bring home some bacon.
What about the upwards of a 100 000 casualties of the USA-funded bombs landing on people living in a city? That's totally fine, but don't leave a mess, after you have been forcibly removed, for daring to raise your voice. /s
That would be shocking.
I agree that most protests are populated by just stupid pink hairs - those pussy-hats were hilarious. Then there were the BLM protests which were so obviously financed by the oligarchy, and those events should have been cleaned up by the National Guard, because entire districts were in flames, and in the end, an innocent but keen 17-yr old kid had to put a Global stop to it. [Speaking of shots heard around the world]
But just to snap everyone out of their leftie/commie hating: the First Amendment gives one the tight to assemble and air one's grievances. If one cannot protest a genocide that is conducted at one's unborn grandchildren's expense, then what? I believe that protesting genocide, is the very reason the First Amendment was penned.
The rest of the world condemns the genocide in Palestine, on many grounds. But instead - the 'authorities' are cheered on. Suddenly everyone supports the government?? Do we have to point out how many of those congress-men have been handed fortunes in kick-backs to pass the 'let's lock up the protestors' bill?
The goons are allowed to just go ahead and punch young, unarmed adults and drag them away.
Y'all think that's fine, now that we have been made thoroughly sick of the mental retards yelling impossibilites, such as: men can be wammen.
But really.
To quote Judeo-Christian Scripture:
Thou shalt not kill (LXX, KJV; Ancient Greek: Οὐ φονεύσεις, romanized: Ou phoneúseis), You shall not murder (NIV, Biblical Hebrew: לֹא תִּרְצָח, romanized: Lo tirṣaḥ) or Do not murder(CSB), is a moral imperative included as one of the Ten Commandments in the Torah.
Anyway. this thread glows. Oh, and don't give me that 'Israel has a right to proetect itself' crap.
Yes I think a wee bot-army has been deployed. This is why I said this thread glows, and many others too, on this board, all of a sudden. Quite annoying really, not the usual atmosphere.
Since you stupidly brought up the Jan 6 people, let's make some comparisons.
Jan 6ers were invited into the building with the doors being opened by the cops. Hamas sympathizers broke into the buildings.
J6ers did zero damage to the building while the Hamas sympathizers committed all sorts of damage to buildings, statues and other structures.
J6ers even stayed within the ropes while walking in the building while Hamas sympathizers barricaded doors and damaged property and did not allow students with legitimate business to enter the buildings or cross their 'CHOP' zone.
I take it you have zero issue with BLM or Antifa blocking roads because people have a right to 'protest'.
And if outside agitators infiltrate your protest and things get unlawful then leave. Simple as that. If you willingly stay you become culpable for what these outside agitators do.
And if we stopped funding the forever wars and stopped giving Israel and other countries money the DS wouldn't have the funds to do what they are doing.
You're the one that needs to wake up and stop being so myopic about a single country.
I mean, our government beholden to Israel did sic the pigs on em
throw gas on that shit and burn all of it.
The atmosphere needs more polypropylene and nylon. So liberal.
That's a known fact, but the lefties and commies always ignore inconvenient facts, as Hussein has conditioned them to over his eight years.
Remember the Dakota access pipe line (dapl)? Climate activists left thousands of tons of litter, garbage, human waste, and 3 fucking dogs. Yes, 3 unclaimed dogs, you read that right. Libtards care only about signaling their virtue. They are professional costume changers depending on the protest du jour.
That's what we get from paid protestors with no value system what-so-ever...
Even dogs don't shit where they eat...
Ya, and they honestly hardly even know why they're protesting!
It's like putting your shopping cart back. Look at the grounds after any MAGA event. Then look at any liberal event. It speaks volumes.
Oh my heart bleeds for the poor trash-picker-uppers, who will be paid a minimum wage, and can now bring home some bacon.
What about the upwards of a 100 000 casualties of the USA-funded bombs landing on people living in a city? That's totally fine, but don't leave a mess, after you have been forcibly removed, for daring to raise your voice. /s
That would be shocking.
I agree that most protests are populated by just stupid pink hairs - those pussy-hats were hilarious. Then there were the BLM protests which were so obviously financed by the oligarchy, and those events should have been cleaned up by the National Guard, because entire districts were in flames, and in the end, an innocent but keen 17-yr old kid had to put a Global stop to it. [Speaking of shots heard around the world]
But just to snap everyone out of their leftie/commie hating: the First Amendment gives one the tight to assemble and air one's grievances. If one cannot protest a genocide that is conducted at one's unborn grandchildren's expense, then what? I believe that protesting genocide, is the very reason the First Amendment was penned.
The rest of the world condemns the genocide in Palestine, on many grounds. But instead - the 'authorities' are cheered on. Suddenly everyone supports the government?? Do we have to point out how many of those congress-men have been handed fortunes in kick-backs to pass the 'let's lock up the protestors' bill?
The goons are allowed to just go ahead and punch young, unarmed adults and drag them away.
Y'all think that's fine, now that we have been made thoroughly sick of the mental retards yelling impossibilites, such as: men can be wammen.
But really.
To quote Judeo-Christian Scripture:
Anyway. this thread glows. Oh, and don't give me that 'Israel has a right to proetect itself' crap.
Yes I think a wee bot-army has been deployed. This is why I said this thread glows, and many others too, on this board, all of a sudden. Quite annoying really, not the usual atmosphere.
The 1st Amendment gives you the right to peaceably assemble.
This was not a peaceful assembly, unless you use Pravda standards and say it was violent but mostly peaceful.
Also, nowhere in the Constitution does it give you the right to take over private or public property for your protest or assembly.
Nice try, though.
Putting up barricades, taking over the place and failing to disperse when ordered to moves it from a protest to an illegal action.
Forcefully taking over buildings and property is not peaceful.
Sorry if the facts hurt.
When did I ever say the protestors were terrorists?
But please, exaggerate more, please.
I don't give two shits about that part of the world but you seem to be heavily invested.
Since you stupidly brought up the Jan 6 people, let's make some comparisons.
Jan 6ers were invited into the building with the doors being opened by the cops. Hamas sympathizers broke into the buildings.
J6ers did zero damage to the building while the Hamas sympathizers committed all sorts of damage to buildings, statues and other structures.
J6ers even stayed within the ropes while walking in the building while Hamas sympathizers barricaded doors and damaged property and did not allow students with legitimate business to enter the buildings or cross their 'CHOP' zone.
I take it you have zero issue with BLM or Antifa blocking roads because people have a right to 'protest'.
And if outside agitators infiltrate your protest and things get unlawful then leave. Simple as that. If you willingly stay you become culpable for what these outside agitators do.
And if we stopped funding the forever wars and stopped giving Israel and other countries money the DS wouldn't have the funds to do what they are doing.
You're the one that needs to wake up and stop being so myopic about a single country.
The only footage I saw of 'wrecking property' was a black-clad, masked person wielding a hammer at a small window pane.
Oof. I mean, broken glass.
Compare that with the 220 000 homes that lay in rubble due to bombs, thanks to USA and Israel. Not to mention the dead and wounded.
Also, taking over an administration building is normal for student protests.
Give it up.
You need to give up your unhealthy obsession with that part of the world.
The US shouldn't be involved over there at all and zero dollars should be sent.
I don't give two shits about what happens there.