131 President Trump will be making a statement on Truth Social momentarily (twitter.com) 🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸 posted 9 months ago by LogicCircuits 9 months ago by LogicCircuits +132 / -1 37 comments share 37 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The Left’s purpose is to cause Trump to lose popularity and votes.
Everything helps Trump. He could strangle a pedophile to death and still be reelected.
We’ve won. It’s over.
"still be reelected" ...If he did that he'd be reelected with more votes! kek
You have an issue with strangling Pediophiles? Strange comment
It's not a Biblically appropriate punishment. Millstone, neck, sea.
Matthew 18:6
I think they're referring to the general sentiment that a pedophile's death should be grisly and prolonged.
I strangle many per day. But per the public view and MSM, Trump would do it and still win 😂
And to physically exhaust