What do you think about u/therobots theory that they're going to blame POTUS? It makes sense, something I've brought up in the past as well.
They're not going to be able to pull off a cheat this go around and the weaponized doj lawfare isn't coming together either. Their trite, pathetic efforts at stoking a race war are, at this point, like beating a dead horse. They can't seem to stir up a civil war and I'm pretty sure they realize that if they can get the foreign invaders to start attacking citizens on a large scale, they'll be eliminated from behind every blade of grass. Pandemic V2 is likely to affect only the most brainwashed of sheeple and now states are having their LEOs fighting back against their violent, paid agitators (currently on campuses). The DS is running out of both options and time and at this point I think many of them realize this isn't even about power, but of their very survival.
Short of starting a nuclear war, blaming DJT for their evil genocide agenda seems to be a reasonable course of action for them to try and stop him, perhaps even a hail Mary. IMHO if they go this route it will be not just a boomerang or even a MOASS (mother of all stupid strategies, in this case), but a full-blown, colossal mistake of epic proportions. This will bury them - and the resultant investigations "uncovering" (publicly) that it's been a planned genocide will ensure they stay that way for the better part of a millennium. Again, IMHO. (Which does not, incidentally, mean that your observation on this is at all incorrect, but rather an integral part of the WH strategy. The WH may very well want them to step into the abyss called "blame Trump for the vaccine"). I'm reminded of the Looking Glass theory that gaming out all possibilities eventually led to the same outcome where the DS loses everything.
here is problem for them. Trump can play the im not a doctor or scientist. i put people like Fauci and Birx and others in charge, they lied to me just like they lied to you. there is a reason he put murderer fauci front and center
The cognitive dissonance of the anti-Trump position is maddening on this one, like what did they think, he himself was just out there in a lab with beakers and test tubes? Although come to think of it we NEED that as a piece of art hahahaha
If they can convince people to mask up, stay inside, change the definition of what a vaccine is on the fly and have people not only accept it but shame and pressure you into getting it...
... They can gaslight people into thinking their Boogeyman is the reason why.
It's just a matter of how many are resistant now after having lived through this.
its a lot more than 2020 that will resist. fake polls now have Trump up 10. in 2020 it was deadlocked in the fake polls...and we know they skew like 5-15 to the left depending on the poll. also, if you look at the % with 2 vaxx vs the 4 or 5 the numbers are DRASTICALLY different. people woke up even if they are not super vocal
That's true though, just in-and-of-itself, the argument will be made that he's ultimately responsible for how decisions were made - and they'd be absolutely right on this point. If "the experts" sat there and lied to him and deceived him, that needs to be shown and I'm sure POTUS has recordings of absolutely every word that was said in his daily meetings with "the experts". Here are a couple other things to bear in mind...
First, word has also been seeping out that the jabs that were released while DJT was publicly sitting in the President position are NOT the same as those that were released under the Resident Potatus administration. If and when it's shown that the Potatus administration allowed different, unsafe, dangerous drugs to be substituted and widely distributed, thus causing the injuries and death we've been witnessing, the DS will be right and properly screwed.
Second, as you may recall President Trump was holding DAILY press conferences for WEEKS on end to keep the American public apprised of the situation, try to offer alternate cures (which were shot down by the genocidal FNM) and to calm fears that naturally arose. He was moving heaven and earth to ensure states had everything they said they needed during this time. Like a true leader does.
Conversely there was the dementia-addled Potatus who just bibbled out occasional rah-rah BS then morphed into debasing and threatening those who refused to get jabbed with an experimental drug. This, of course, as waves of bullsh--, I mean, subsequent "mutations" were reported by the FNM to be attacking us. Daily press briefings from the Potatus himself? Weekly even? Was there ANY oversight whatsoever concerning the (evil, greedy) big-pharma players??
What do you think about u/therobots theory that they're going to blame POTUS? It makes sense, something I've brought up in the past as well.
They're not going to be able to pull off a cheat this go around and the weaponized doj lawfare isn't coming together either. Their trite, pathetic efforts at stoking a race war are, at this point, like beating a dead horse. They can't seem to stir up a civil war and I'm pretty sure they realize that if they can get the foreign invaders to start attacking citizens on a large scale, they'll be eliminated from behind every blade of grass. Pandemic V2 is likely to affect only the most brainwashed of sheeple and now states are having their LEOs fighting back against their violent, paid agitators (currently on campuses). The DS is running out of both options and time and at this point I think many of them realize this isn't even about power, but of their very survival.
Short of starting a nuclear war, blaming DJT for their evil genocide agenda seems to be a reasonable course of action for them to try and stop him, perhaps even a hail Mary. IMHO if they go this route it will be not just a boomerang or even a MOASS (mother of all stupid strategies, in this case), but a full-blown, colossal mistake of epic proportions. This will bury them - and the resultant investigations "uncovering" (publicly) that it's been a planned genocide will ensure they stay that way for the better part of a millennium. Again, IMHO. (Which does not, incidentally, mean that your observation on this is at all incorrect, but rather an integral part of the WH strategy. The WH may very well want them to step into the abyss called "blame Trump for the vaccine"). I'm reminded of the Looking Glass theory that gaming out all possibilities eventually led to the same outcome where the DS loses everything.
here is problem for them. Trump can play the im not a doctor or scientist. i put people like Fauci and Birx and others in charge, they lied to me just like they lied to you. there is a reason he put murderer fauci front and center
He put Pence in charge of the response as well. Not an accident.
The cognitive dissonance of the anti-Trump position is maddening on this one, like what did they think, he himself was just out there in a lab with beakers and test tubes? Although come to think of it we NEED that as a piece of art hahahaha
Also, apparently, Big Pharma switched out the "approved" injections for something else.
If they can convince people to mask up, stay inside, change the definition of what a vaccine is on the fly and have people not only accept it but shame and pressure you into getting it...
... They can gaslight people into thinking their Boogeyman is the reason why.
It's just a matter of how many are resistant now after having lived through this.
its a lot more than 2020 that will resist. fake polls now have Trump up 10. in 2020 it was deadlocked in the fake polls...and we know they skew like 5-15 to the left depending on the poll. also, if you look at the % with 2 vaxx vs the 4 or 5 the numbers are DRASTICALLY different. people woke up even if they are not super vocal
That's true though, just in-and-of-itself, the argument will be made that he's ultimately responsible for how decisions were made - and they'd be absolutely right on this point. If "the experts" sat there and lied to him and deceived him, that needs to be shown and I'm sure POTUS has recordings of absolutely every word that was said in his daily meetings with "the experts". Here are a couple other things to bear in mind...
First, word has also been seeping out that the jabs that were released while DJT was publicly sitting in the President position are NOT the same as those that were released under the Resident Potatus administration. If and when it's shown that the Potatus administration allowed different, unsafe, dangerous drugs to be substituted and widely distributed, thus causing the injuries and death we've been witnessing, the DS will be right and properly screwed.
Second, as you may recall President Trump was holding DAILY press conferences for WEEKS on end to keep the American public apprised of the situation, try to offer alternate cures (which were shot down by the genocidal FNM) and to calm fears that naturally arose. He was moving heaven and earth to ensure states had everything they said they needed during this time. Like a true leader does.
Conversely there was the dementia-addled Potatus who just bibbled out occasional rah-rah BS then morphed into debasing and threatening those who refused to get jabbed with an experimental drug. This, of course, as waves of bullsh--, I mean, subsequent "mutations" were reported by the FNM to be attacking us. Daily press briefings from the Potatus himself? Weekly even? Was there ANY oversight whatsoever concerning the (evil, greedy) big-pharma players??