OK, this one has GOT to be some type of comms... I mean... come on, man.
A worm eating his brain? But the worm is dead and he's feeling much better now? Who the fuck would admit that in the middle of a presidential campaign? Nobody, ever.
It would be cool if Stargate SG1 was actual disclosure, and some sort of alien parasite was controlling people... and the comms meant that his parasite controller was dead, or something like that.
Obviously I have no idea what the hell is really going on, but... his statement, out of nowhere, about a worm eating his brain has GOT to be some sort of comms.
Worm comms/snake comms symbolize "many people working together as one" such as how a worm or snake moves each individual part of its body to move in a single direction.
So in this case, a 'worm' inside the brain would be referencing a long-acting group or organization of people controlling RFK's 'brain' or giving him orders.
its a very bizarre article... something else I noticed is the emphasis on Mercury poisoning. Mercury (Latin: Mercurius) is the god of trade, commerce, financial gain, so this may be tied into comms for the Federal Reserve, but just spitballing here.
Just to clarify, are you implying rfk Jr could have told outright lies (pertaining to results of his brain scan and consultancy with his doctors), and/or otherwise made misleading statements ostensibly about his ailing health (and how it prevents him from making money), while testifying in his 2012 divorce proceedings, for the sake of making vague metaphors about the cabal and the federal reserve, in order to very tenuously communicate with us/someone who gets ahold of the transcript later? Like when the NY Times obtains and reports on the transcript in 2024?
Consider this- an event doesn't have to be false for it also to have symbolic value. RFK may very well have had a brain problem, maybe even a real parasite. Perhaps the truth was embellished, or the dates manipulated.
Or... maybe it was all made up to send a symbolic message.
At face value this sounds utterly ridiculous. But does the News exist to enlighten the masses and genuinely inform them? Of course not, at the very least it is used as a control mechanism- the power to manipulate public opinion. Most people understand this much.
But what else does News media, movies, music, articles contribute to their controllers? When you own the concept of 'money' and control the banks, what is more valuable than the concept of money? An alien worldview to 99% of the general public.
I would say communication. the ability to rapidly communicate using public media, using a language of symbols hidden in plain site. Every day, in every newspaper, in every blockbuster movie, in every popular tv show.
The reason why Q said 'symbols will be their downfall' is because their control cannot exist without symbolic communication. So while I understand the incredulity at sending a message of vague metaphors in a news article, I'd say its more about the sheer volume of these messages found in popular media, rather than the significance of a single message.
The article says they got the information from a transcript of his 2012 deposition in his divorce proceedings. Then before publishing the article, they asked him to elaborate.
It wasn't a statement he put out (unless he was the one who gave them the transcript of the deposition).
Also an episode where the Aschen gave a life extension “vaccine” but it was actually a sterilization vaccine. The Aschen are described as a race of ((( Accountants))).
I swear during COVD I saw a guest on Fox News that looked just like Teal’c and the studio light was shining right in the middle of his forehead like that mark Teal’c has on the show.
The Space Force commander who wrote the book on American Marxism, is our Colonel O’neil. I know I’m reaching but hey….
Also SG Atlantis main enemy was a parasite race called the Wraith.
A large part of the rest of the world knows about parasites and takes anti parasitic drugs. The million dollar question is why don’t we know more about parasites in the US? Sick people = more $ for big pharma.
Probably part of the reason they didn’t want us taking ivermectin to fix Covid.
When the rest of the world sees that parasites are a real and present medical issue, they are going to flip their lids.
OK, this one has GOT to be some type of comms... I mean... come on, man.
A worm eating his brain? But the worm is dead and he's feeling much better now? Who the fuck would admit that in the middle of a presidential campaign? Nobody, ever.
It would be cool if Stargate SG1 was actual disclosure, and some sort of alien parasite was controlling people... and the comms meant that his parasite controller was dead, or something like that.
Obviously I have no idea what the hell is really going on, but... his statement, out of nowhere, about a worm eating his brain has GOT to be some sort of comms.
My neighbor had a worm in his brain from eating raw oysters while in Cabo.
Worm comms/snake comms symbolize "many people working together as one" such as how a worm or snake moves each individual part of its body to move in a single direction.
So in this case, a 'worm' inside the brain would be referencing a long-acting group or organization of people controlling RFK's 'brain' or giving him orders.
here is the link i found:https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/08/politics/rfk-jr-mercury-poisoning-brain-parasite/index.html
its a very bizarre article... something else I noticed is the emphasis on Mercury poisoning. Mercury (Latin: Mercurius) is the god of trade, commerce, financial gain, so this may be tied into comms for the Federal Reserve, but just spitballing here.
Just to clarify, are you implying rfk Jr could have told outright lies (pertaining to results of his brain scan and consultancy with his doctors), and/or otherwise made misleading statements ostensibly about his ailing health (and how it prevents him from making money), while testifying in his 2012 divorce proceedings, for the sake of making vague metaphors about the cabal and the federal reserve, in order to very tenuously communicate with us/someone who gets ahold of the transcript later? Like when the NY Times obtains and reports on the transcript in 2024?
Consider this- an event doesn't have to be false for it also to have symbolic value. RFK may very well have had a brain problem, maybe even a real parasite. Perhaps the truth was embellished, or the dates manipulated.
Or... maybe it was all made up to send a symbolic message.
At face value this sounds utterly ridiculous. But does the News exist to enlighten the masses and genuinely inform them? Of course not, at the very least it is used as a control mechanism- the power to manipulate public opinion. Most people understand this much.
But what else does News media, movies, music, articles contribute to their controllers? When you own the concept of 'money' and control the banks, what is more valuable than the concept of money? An alien worldview to 99% of the general public.
I would say communication. the ability to rapidly communicate using public media, using a language of symbols hidden in plain site. Every day, in every newspaper, in every blockbuster movie, in every popular tv show.
The reason why Q said 'symbols will be their downfall' is because their control cannot exist without symbolic communication. So while I understand the incredulity at sending a message of vague metaphors in a news article, I'd say its more about the sheer volume of these messages found in popular media, rather than the significance of a single message.
The article says they got the information from a transcript of his 2012 deposition in his divorce proceedings. Then before publishing the article, they asked him to elaborate.
It wasn't a statement he put out (unless he was the one who gave them the transcript of the deposition).
The finding was in a divorce filing from 2012. But DJ Vlad loves asking personal questions. So who knows.
Also an episode where the Aschen gave a life extension “vaccine” but it was actually a sterilization vaccine. The Aschen are described as a race of ((( Accountants))).
I swear during COVD I saw a guest on Fox News that looked just like Teal’c and the studio light was shining right in the middle of his forehead like that mark Teal’c has on the show.
The Space Force commander who wrote the book on American Marxism, is our Colonel O’neil. I know I’m reaching but hey….
Also SG Atlantis main enemy was a parasite race called the Wraith.
Makes me think of drop 142 for some reason and what would put most into hospital
I actually looked that one up before posting.
Ok, is it HAD, or is it HAS???
There's a big Difference....
They'll still spin this as super rare and claim it's the reason for his anti-vaxxer mentality.
A large part of the rest of the world knows about parasites and takes anti parasitic drugs. The million dollar question is why don’t we know more about parasites in the US? Sick people = more $ for big pharma.
Probably part of the reason they didn’t want us taking ivermectin to fix Covid.
How do we deworm?
Hcq and ivermectin
And.. fenbendazole.
My name checks out.