His ancestors CHANGED the family name to Gates to hide their Jewish roots. -
Bill Gates Family Tree - Video:
2019 - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals her Jewish heritage
I'm beginning to think that the Jewish ethnicity (not all, but enough to be noticeable) has a dominant gene for Avarice.
Avarice is reprehensible acquisitiveness, excessive and insatiable desire to acquire or possess more wealth, riches or material gain than one needs or deserves. In other words, avarice is the highest level of greed or greediness.
Greed/Avarice (Latin, cupiditia/avaritia) Greed is, like Lust and Gluttony, a sin of excess. However, Greed particularly applies to the acquisition of wealth.
Avarice is the term that can describe all forms of sinful behaviour. These include -disloyalty, -deliberate betrayal, or -treason, especially for personal gain, as when someone lets themselves be bribed. -Scavenging and hoarding of materials or objects, -theft and robbery, especially by violence, -trickery, or -manipulation of authority are all actions that are inspired by greed. Such misdeeds include Simony, where the sinner feels the urge to make money by selling things within the confines of the church. "When did avarice behavior become acceptable? The Bush Administration fits this description to the tee!" by DW Coon April 12, 2007
Thank you.
That may be the case. May be. But what is definitely known is that avarice is baked into the Talmud, so much so that it's now b come part of the Jewish culture. To a point that if one leaves that faith, the avarice stays with him.
I have an uncle who claims to be agnostic now, but was raised Ashkenazi. He's one of the most shekel pinching and shekel seeking men I know. To the point that if he ever lends money to a family member, he demands a contract between the parties and will also assign interest to the debt.
Edit: now that I think on her physical features and look more closely, AOC does seem to have some physical traits of the Ashkenazi, namely the long face and huge teeth.
There is a picture of bill with rabbi's wearing the hat.
He has worked hard to avoid this sort of labeling. It is because he is just doing the well poison scam again?
History doesn't repeat, but it fucking rhymes.
His ancestors changed their surname to Gates, so they wouldn't be identified as Jewish.
We were told they are the hidden enemy.
They are hidden to do their dirty work undetected. Their religion teaches them to be stealthy and treacherous in their dealings with the goyim.
When they start throwing their puppets in front of the train, we know that those behind the shadows pulling the strings are panicing.
AIPAC money can turn anyone Jewish.
That pic of Gates with the yamulke proves nothing. Though there is no requirement to do so, it is seen as polite to wear a yamulke in the presence of a rabbi at Temple.
Im not saying he isnt a jew, just that that pic isnt evidence that he is.
The Rabbi in the photo is Menachem Mendel Schneerson who headed Chabad Lubavich until his death 1n 1994'
The Movement Following its inception 250 years ago, the Chabad-Lubavitch movement—a branch of Hasidism—swept through Russia and spread in surrounding countries as well. It provided scholars with answers that eluded them, and simple farmers with a love that had been denied them. Eventually the philosophy of Chabad-Lubavitch and its adherents reached almost every corner of the world and affected almost every facet of Jewish life.
The Leadership
No person or detail was too small or insignificant for their love and dedicationThe movement is guided by the teachings of its seven leaders (“Rebbes”), beginning with Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi of righteous memory (1745–1812). These leaders expounded upon the most refined and delicate aspects of Jewish mysticism, creating a corpus of study thousands of books strong. They personified the age-old Biblical qualities of piety and leadership. And they concerned themselves not only with Chabad-Lubavitch, but with the totality of Jewish life, spiritual and physical. No person or detail was too small or insignificant for their love and dedication.
In our generation, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, **Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of righteous memory (1902–1994), known simply as “the Rebbe,” guided post-holocaust Jewry to safety from the ravages of that devastation. ** The Organization The origins of today’s Chabad-Lubavitch organization can be traced to the early 1940s, when the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn of righteous memory (1880–1950), appointed his son-in-law and later successor, Rabbi Menachem Mendel, to head the newly founded educational and social service arms of the movement.
It proves hes in league with the devil but still not that he is jewish. He very may well be this photo isnt the proof though.
Yes, that photo does not prove anything by itself. It is a piece of the puzzle. Evidence to store and organize with other information such as: Bill Gates, Jewish Family Tree:
didn’t Trump wear a yarmulke to the wailing mall when he went? Yes - that doesn’t make him a Jew though.
Honestly, who gives a shit. If you’re a douchebag you’re a douchebag. What race you are has no significance whatsoever. Keep playing their game by making it relevant. Loser.
You don't think it's relevant that a VERY HIGH number of douchebags are Jewish? Even Schwab, Soros, Gates, Fauci and AOC? That they take pains to hide this fact? That Jews have been ostracized throughout thousands of years? Is this all just a coincidence?
Idiot. Blocked idiot.