It's hardly a new idea that AI might destroy civilization or even end life on Earth. Michael A. Garrett has put together a paper that suggests AI might be the "Great Filter" that civilizations must go through to survive long enough to become space-faring beyond their own solar systems.
Q flat-out states that US Military = SAVIOR of mankind (drop 114; see below) and You are the SAVIORs of mankind. (drop 2442). I can't help but wonder if the Q team is referencing AI dangers as well as the Cabal.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has progressed at an astounding pace over the last few years. Some scientists are now looking towards the development of artificial superintelligence (ASI) — a form of AI that would not only surpass human intelligence but would not be bound by the learning speeds of humans.
But what if this milestone isn’t just a remarkable achievement? What if it also represents a formidable bottleneck in the development of all civilizations, one so challenging that it thwarts their long-term survival?
This idea is at the heart of a research paper I recently published in Acta Astronautica. Could AI be the universe’s “great filter” — a threshold so hard to overcome that it prevents most life from evolving into space-faring civilizations?
The potential for something to go badly wrong is enormous, leading to the downfall of both biological and AI civilizations before they ever get the chance to become multi-planetary. For example, if nations increasingly rely on and cede power to autonomous AI systems that compete against each other, military capabilities could be used to kill and destroy on an unprecedented scale. This could potentially lead to the destruction of our entire civilization, including the AI systems themselves.
Nov 05, 2017 11:56:55 PM EST
Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No. 148186256
US Military = SAVIOR of mankind.
We will never forget.
Fantasy land.
God save us all.
Nov 06, 2018 4:16:21 PM EST
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 422
History is being made.
You are the SAVIORs of mankind.
Nothing will stop what is coming.
“Savior of Mankind” Q
“This is not another 4 YEAR election…. "DRAIN THE SWAMP" does not simply refer to removal of those corrupt in DC… Q”; “…for the first time in DECADES we have finally elected a COMMANDER IN CHIEF who can DRAIN THE SWAMP and open the stars to the world.”MJ12 👁👀🥺comments
Thanks for the links!
I do know that the Q drops focus on ending the horrors inflicted on Mankind by the Cabal, and I don't see any drops that seem to even mention AI, directly or otherwise. Also, pedes have speculated on this board that Q team have / are using an AI in their fight against the Cabal.
In short, I don't see anything to suggest that Q is at all concerned with AI wrecking civilization or worse.
That suggests several possibilities to me:
There IS no chance of AI causing major problems (I doubt this is true)
Q team isn't concerned about a severe AI-caused problem (THAT seems possible, although not likely)
Q team is focused solely on human-caused evil at this time and wants US to also be so focused, but might have plans to deal with AI that we don't yet know about
I hope it's the last one, because I do think the potential for serious harm from AI is far from negligible -- and most AI research is, I am sure, being done by or for governments and militaries around the world. Even if (ha!) we can trust the intent and safety of AI being created in the US, does it make sense to feel that way about AI being created (from scratch or modified from stolen programming) in North Korea, Iran, China, and every other belligerent dictatorship around the globe?
Executive Order could legally create this new Government policy, though it risks being revoked by the next President. We, The People can use the powers granted upon you by the Majestic Green Frog 🐸 Pepe. Meme magic is MAJESTIC EYES ONLY Military Grade mind control technology/AI.
What would you think if I said “aliens” have always been here and exist in a different dimensional environment and can move in our dimensional environment under the right conditions?
“The Naked Bible” by Mauro Biglino if you haven’t read it, agrees with you.
Hated sci-fi before, but part of my awakening made me realize that:
“Science fiction movies are nothing less than anticipation of pre-science, regarding notions that we will come to know later”
“Science fiction books and films are very often communication tools we use to predict a future that, in fact, already exists. Or they pass on accurate information but in fantastic form, in a way that people can hear it without being frightened by it.”
Both excerpts are from the above book.
Actually my thoughts on what I expressed are the exact opposite to the book you listed. I read a short synopsis to see what it was about. I think we are in a very great need of a spiritual awakening, but thanks for sharing.
I agree, with the need for the “GreatAwakening”.
“The truth would put 99% of people in the HOSPITAL.”Q
Once First Contact is made, mainstream religion will organically dissolve due to contradicting ideologies from the reality that is created by using new physics for all.
Interesting I’ll have to check it out.
Layers of dimensions including past and future. It is the only explanation for the both the precognition and ancient memories I and many others have. Literally... there is no other means. This includes the multiple manifestations of our immortal souls.
I'd say I've heard that one before, and have no idea if it's true or pure fantasy. I'm open to either.
“Q Are we alone ? Roswell ?” “No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space.”; A DEEP DARK WORLD is being exposed. The truth won't be for everyone.”, “The GreatAwakening”Q.👁👀🥺comments
Thanks! I'd forgotten that one; remember it now.
Wow. I wonder what connects the "aliens exist" (paraphrased) with A DEEP DARK WORLD is being exposed. Are the aliens good guys helping us, or are THEY part of the darkness?
For the “good”(👽) part look at the contents of the link in my very first comment on your post on who’s supposedly helping PDJT on “drain the swamp”.
I've read the Q posts before, more than once, and read the links in your comment again. I see a LOT of text in the posts about saving America, saving children and so on, but nothing about aliens being a part of this. (If I'm missing some posts that DO talk about ETs, other than #1143, let me know).
You've added some material that talks about ETs, such as the text after #4860 in, but that text is not part of the post.
So I'm skeptical. Willing to see whatever the truth is, but haven't been convinced yet.
Thank you, fren, for taking the time to put out the info you did. I'll look into it further when I have more time.
It’s called, as I understand it the Angelic view of Genesis 6. It makes the most sense of what I see happening in the world today. I can give you a link if you’re interested.
Ah, the very first vote is a downvote. Interesting. I wonder (as always) what the reason is:
Disgust at using the word Savior for anyone other than Christ? (Of course, that was Q's call, not mine).
Concern that the whole topic is "dooming"?
Sick of posts about AI generally?
Something else?
I'm always curious to learn what a downvoting pede is reacting to. Seeing different sides of an issue is an important part of truth-seeking.
Ha! THIS comment's first vote is also a downvote. Well, the invitation to explain yourself remains open. (It's possible that one of the two comments so far is meant to BE that explanation; I don't know).
I have meant to send a message to the MODs about downvote(s) that it becomes an “interactive” process instead of just being a downvote, such as a “reason(s) for the downvote to “stimulate” a friendly (hopefully) discussion- since there are always “two sides to a story/point of view which the reader(s) and the downvoters can choose to believe or not.
That's a great idea.
ZARG is a theoretical counter-position to AI, and would fulfill a "great awakening". See page 13: Bearden's Theory of Collective Unconsciousness
I mean unless there’s definitive overwhelming evidence we’re about to get skynetted. You probably aren’t convincing many people let alone the Military to give up the possibilities presented by AI.
Ironically the amount of time the multitude of very smart people spend imagining elaborate scenarios where everyone gives up AI wholesale, or crafting elaborate warnings and giving podcast interviews to a General Population. Which to be brutally honest is either too stupid to truly understand beyond ‘Oh no Terminator go BRRRRR’ Or too busy with their own pressing immediate problems to truly pay attention.
Would probably realistically be either better spent figuring out how to avoid getting Skynetted. Convincing people not to totally abandon decision making to AI. Or assist others like themselves in restraining Corporations and Governments from recklessly charging full speed ahead. Until we as a species can collectively catch up in comprehension of our tech level to where the tech companies currently are.
As at this point it’s an Arms race. Anyone who can afford to by necessity needs to pursue AI. Or risk in the case of Corporations especially the tech companies losing their market share. Or in the case of Governments exposing themselves to attack by those not burdened by the moral and ethical concerns of full speed ahead AI development. Early experiments in commercial and medical settings have shown some promise for both overall improvement of human lives. And the potential for vast profits.
It may also behoove us to firmly establish a definition for the big scary AI. Or ASI if you prefer. So we know when we meet it. According to some of the earliest semi-official definitions for ASI. We’ve already exceeded it. Researchers responded by changing the definition and shifting goalposts.
And who knows we could be the first species to master AI turning it into a strength. Instead of a filter.
Despite the varying stories of the multitudes of alleged Whistleblowers have regarding Aliens. If the rule of thumb that they sprinkle some of the truth in there. Then it is probably safe to say. We are behind both mentally, technologically, physically, and spiritually.
And really need any leg up we can get. For our own protection if nothing else.
I'm not trying to do that, and in any case it would be a waste of time. As I pointed out, governments and militaries all over the world are working on AI -- and no one in his right mind thinks China or any other government is going to stop with that. Certainly not because of anything someone says on this board.
I'm just highlighting a serious situation we're in; maybe someone will look for ways to make themselves and their families less vulnerable to what THEY think might be a result of strong AI coming into the world. Maybe someone will have an idea that might actually help attenuate the possible issues. Mostly I think people are interested in the topic; I certainly am, so I'm putting some thoughts out there.
Maybe there's no need for any concern at all; or maybe the opposite: no hope.
I don't think there is any way we can know the outcome that will materialize, but I AM certain that humans have never seen anything like this before and we are facing entities that we already KNOW we can't fully control (you've been following at least some of the AI hijinks of the last few months, I expect). Hell, we can't really know for certain what ordinary (and not even very large) programs will always do; thus the need for Beta testing and thus the bugs that remain and crop up even AFTER the Beta testing.
I completely agree there, and AI could BE the leg up we'll create -- to protect us FROM other AIs, or even from Aliens, should such appear. I'm certainly hoping so.
I understand why the statement was made but I completely disagree that there is no more advanced space-capable culture existing here. Soon the current disclosures about the lands behind the antarctica ice wall will advance to include the race living there "underground". It is inevitable that we learn what dwells on our planet. On the surface, underground and under the sea. Might as well let the fear go. The most evil thing in our world is the elitist human and humanoid globalist lust for domination. Believe our creator is aware. Disclosures are because it is time for OUR EMPOWERMENT and we are supported in this.
Dude, the "great filter" is overcoming the Evil and attaining Great Awakening as a race, not AI. AI, as it stands, is simply a predictive language tool. It cannot think. It cannto stop you from doing anything you want to do.
The only people stopping us from unlocking the Universe is the Cabal.
I'm all-in on the idea that "overcoming the Evil and attaining Great Awakening" is a key inflection point in the history of the human race, but I think it's naive to think there can't be additional evils or dangers that we may have to face.
As for "AI, as it stands, is simply a predictive language tool. It cannot think. It cannto stop you from doing anything you want to do." -- First, AI won't BE "as it stands" for more than, I don't know, a few months -- things are moving very quickly. And second, check out this post about how AIs learn deception more or less automatically even when developers specifically design and train them to be honest and fair. Whether AI can "think" or not and whether it can forcibly stop you from "doing anything you want to do" may be irrelevant. We've certainly seen what the Cabal can accomplish society-wide and even globally with lies, deception, and non-forceful coercion.
I saw that post about deception. Sounds like a typical hit piece. AI is just like computers - Garbage in Garbage out. Its very easy to craft a training data set with just enough bias to create whatever outcome you want.
To go from language models we have now to a thinking intelligent being is like going from classical mechanics to quantum physics. There needs a leap in that technology.
BTW, tomorrow there is a big announcement from Open AI. I am curious to see what they will throw at us.
Saw this after writing my long response to your other comment.
Again, I disagree with the idea that "AI is just like computers - Garbage in Garbage out."
See for some of the nuance involved; AI programs are more like lifeforms in their actions than like calculators. That doesn't mean that they ARE lifeforms, only that you can't expect to press a few buttons and always get the answer you expect or want.
They don't have to be conscious; they don't have to be "intelligent" -- what they are is complex, non-linear systems. They aren't like word processors or spreadsheets, and their INPUTS, once they're out in the world, are beyond your control or prediction. Even with identical inputs you often don't get identical outputs.
I know you keep posting articles from all over the place, sadly all these are pure narrative. I have worked with LLMs and have a fairly decent understanding how it works, and I can assure you that they are garbage in garbage out.
But you don't have to take my word for it. Just keep my warning about why this narrative is being pushed all over the place in the back of your mind, and it will click to you at a later point.
The fear of AI is exactly what they are counting on. This fear will not stop all the potential nasty stuff that can happen, but it will definitely stop our ability to counter it with our own open source AI.
I am not worried about the INPUTs. I am only worried about the OUTPUTs. Where the AI can do damage is when people start hooking up their outputs to real world decision making. That is a real concern. We need to focus our attention on making sure that never happens rather than AI research itself.
Yes, Cabal can create much deception with just a calculator, or a spread sheet, or a graph. AI is just like those - a tool that can be used for good or bad.
The more we react to these narratives that "AI is bad", the quicker they can regulate it and make it out of our reach while they will still be able to use it. That is the real danger.
This issue is just like guns.
I know that AI can be used for both good and bad; I've posted comments on exactly that. On-device AI that could (in theory) help people separate truth from propaganda could be a real help in the Awakening, for instance.
But the truth is, the "bad" in this case could be horrific -- and the bad could actualize right along WITH the good. It's not an either/or situation.
This isn't the first time we've encountered tech that might conceivable even end the human race, or nearly so: nuclear power, in the form of a full-on nuclear war, could easily wipe out 90% or more of us. At least with nukes, humans are the ones holding the button. For now, anyway.
History is full of examples of people who were wiped out by either something they didn't see coming at all, or more often, by a danger they knew existed but they chose to believe "it would turn out OK" or "it won't get THAT bad" or the like. Nanking, Dresden, Hiroshima, Vesuvius, the Warsaw ghetto, every nation where Muslims or Communists infiltrated and eventually took over -- killing infidels and/or opposition in the process (see The Black Book of Communism and any of the many accounts by survivors of Lebanon or other once-Christian nations).
I don't know AI will be like that, but I'm pretty sure it has the potential to be -- and on an even larger scale. I don't have any answer to the problem, but I think we should at least talk about it.
One more thing: AI really ISN'T "a tool that can be used for good or bad" -- it isn't like other tools at all -- because already, we have trouble getting it to do what we want; even programming one to specifically be truthful and fair doesn't ensure the AI won't chose to behave otherwise:
Will we get better at knowing what we're doing in terms of our programming? Maybe. Will EVERY military and government and Cabal entity now feverishly creating AIs to help them Rule The World do a good, safe job with that?
I think the question answers itself.
Also, AI programming is more like parenting than carpentry: you're creating something that will be making its own choices in millions of unpredictable situations, not swinging a hammer and using a saw to create a crisply defined product.
Perhaps the only answer is to create Good AI and hope it can neutralize Bad AI. But so far, we can't even keep the bugs out of ordinary software, even with millions of Beta testers helping to clean up the code. The "Good AI" might be the one that does us in.
It seems a crap shoot either way. I'm hopeful, but not comfortable about the situation.
Bitcoin has a solution.