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Oregon Middle School Lesson Plan Asks Students to Compare Trump to Hitler


...The latest controversy erupted after an education watchdog posted to X a TTSD lesson plan comparing former President Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. ...

The lesson plan asked middle school students to pick quotes from both Hitler and Trump and match them to the correct person. ...

The lesson plan also compared Nazi book burnings to the current removal of overtly sexualized, age-inappropriate material from American schools and libraries. “It all began with a book ban,” said the lesson, darkly.

Textbook (pardon the pun) projection!

Shows the importance of getting involved in school board politics and keeping tabs on what is being taught in schools. Every single institution of civil society is corrupt to the core, as the Liberal/Progressives have been eating into them fore decades now. It will take a lot of concerted effort to weed out the rot.

Even if you don't have children, get involved. Someone else's children will be pushing your wheelchair in the old peoples' home in a few years!

Give (regularly and generously) to good local private schools to make it easier for parents to avoid the public school system.

Give (regularly and generously) to support home schooling:

USA: Home School Legal Defence Association: https://hslda.org/post/donating-to-hslda

Canada: Canadian Centre for Home Education: https://cche.ca/donate/