These pro-Hamas demonstrations are not only linked to the usual suspects like George Soros, but they have ties to the Chinese Communist Party AND MILLIONS of $$$ have been funneled through the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund to leftist NGOs supporting these Hamas encampments...
The real Jews are anyone who is in Christ. These people aren't Jews. Khazarian mafia is a more fitting term, or just Satanists.
Um, no. Christians are in Christ. Not jews. Thanks.
All are welcome , if they repent and are baptized
Yes, and then they will cease to be jews and they will become Christian.
Christians are in Christ, and that makes us Jews. The ones who go around calling themselves "Jews" and are known as such by the world, are not Jews according to God.
Jews today (all of them) are NOT the Israelites or Hebrews of the Bible.
They have been lying about that for centuries.
They are, and have always been, name-stealers.
Jews do not believe in Christ.
They HATE Christ.
The so-called Jews, yes. Same as the Pharisees, whose traditions they still follow.
This is a conversation that Jesus had with some such "Jews." They were not truly the children of Abraham, nor of God, but rather of the one whose character they had, which is Satan.
The English translations of the Bible have been CORRUPTED in many areas.
When you go back to the original Hebrew and Greek scripture, you find some differences in what we think we understand about the Bible today.
Today's jews are an ethnicity, whether or not they follow Judaism.
As an ethnicity, it means they have common genetic ancestors, and this is genetic, not spiritual.
Todays jews are the genetic desendents of the Edomites of the Bible, who themselves were a mixed race with the Canaanites and the Kenites.
None of them were Hebrews, and none of them were Israelites.
By the time of Jesus, the Kingdom of Judah (Israelites of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin) no longer existed. It had been taken over by the Romans during the rise of the Roman Empire, during the time of the Babylonian capitvity.
This land area had become the Roman province of Judea.
In John 8, Jesus was speaking to the Edomites who had political control of Judea, subject to Roman authority.
The Edomites were part of Abraham's family tree, and they were part of Isaac's familty tree, BUT they were NOT part of Jacob's family tree. They were a part of Esau's tree, and his name was changed to Edom. His desendents were the Edomites, when he mixed with the Canaanites, who had previously mixed with the Kenites.
The Pharisees were mostly these Edomite jews, but it was a mixture of people. Judea at that time was a "diverse culture" like we see today. Some of them were true Israelites, but most were not.
They followed the Tradition of the Elders, which was the forerunner to the Talmud, because that is what the Edomite jews were pushing, and they had control of the area.
Jesus said that He knew they were "seed" of Abraham (part of his genetic family tree), but Abraham was NOT their father. They had a different father.
They protested, "But we be not born of FORNICATION."
Why did they make this claim?
Because "fornication" means RACE MIXING. It does NOT mean pre-marital sex, which is what modern churches falsely promote.
Jesus then immediately told them that their father was Satan (the "Adversary").
The only way you can reconcile what might seem to be contradictory in certain parts of the Bible is to understand that our modern English versions have been CHANGED in some aspects, and that changes what we think the story means.
But when you realize these jews were claiming to be JUDAHITES, and therefore Israelites, and they were NOT, then what Jesus said makes sense.
They were not "fake jews." They were real jews, claiming to be something they were not: Israelites.