Tbh, alot of his views sound really normie-ish. Like everything is as it seems.
The article with the b2 stealth bomber now able to be detected(no longer stealth) then bill barr(b2) going on cnn to promote Trump, then a stage at Trump rallies being in the shape of a b2. It's like all this stuff is ignored by people such as this.
Occam's razor does not apply in 5th gen warfare. I really believe this is the easiest way to see through these people's bullshit, they never seem to be able to put together the links behind what appear to be completely unrelated events, like anons can.
I could be totally wrong, however I am guessing ariel is the problem here.
He has only been right a few times, remember when he said something about Europe shutting down and all the Europeans piled in to say that nothing was happening?
He never apologized but started blaming others for not understanding what he said, as he always does.
Lots of double agents out there. Who's to say Ariel isn't right about his tactics, except that Flynn is flushing out paytriots as his deal to help WH? Lots of possibilities once you get into spy vs spy...
Ariel is a clown operative, who just like his buddy Jan Halper, played his hand too quickly.
Yup Ariel is a fed.
Why do they have to both be right or wrong?
Perhaps they’re both wrong? Perhaps they’re both right?
But there’s always this divisive tactic, forcing you to choose I’m not going to fall for it.
That being said… I’m not a fan of either one of them. But I like Ariel less.
Team Flynn for the win!!!
Tbh, alot of his views sound really normie-ish. Like everything is as it seems.
The article with the b2 stealth bomber now able to be detected(no longer stealth) then bill barr(b2) going on cnn to promote Trump, then a stage at Trump rallies being in the shape of a b2. It's like all this stuff is ignored by people such as this.
Occam's razor does not apply in 5th gen warfare. I really believe this is the easiest way to see through these people's bullshit, they never seem to be able to put together the links behind what appear to be completely unrelated events, like anons can.
I could be totally wrong, however I am guessing ariel is the problem here.
He has only been right a few times, remember when he said something about Europe shutting down and all the Europeans piled in to say that nothing was happening?
He never apologized but started blaming others for not understanding what he said, as he always does.
Just joking lol!! I couldn’t resist!
Lots of double agents out there. Who's to say Ariel isn't right about his tactics, except that Flynn is flushing out paytriots as his deal to help WH? Lots of possibilities once you get into spy vs spy...
Be careful who you follow.