I posted a few times over the years that Cicada was a Q recruitment tool. Lots of smart people tried to decode the contests. You don't have to recruit the winners. So I still feel Q might be behind this, and it smells Musky.
Memories triggered receiving a decoder in the mail on a snowy day in the 80s ... Didn't take long to break the 3-letter decode shift when I pulled the top off the decoder and was like, "Really? you could have at least jumbled the alphabet"
The pgp signature thing was done for the same reason as the chan tripcode, a way of verifying and linking that a future poster is also the same account as a previous one. Which isn't uniquely a Q thing but more of a meta around identity proofs, a subset of cryptography that goes hand-in-hand with encryption.
It also seemed to wrap up (2016) about a year in advance of when Q started posting (Oct 2017). Not indicative of much but perhaps a connection. Q did not pop fully formed out of the ether as soon as the concept was needed. Like all teams, projects and programs there would have been a lead time to build a cohesive team before they were ready for active operations, like every other recruiting and formation type effort. And the timeframe for Cicada at least would align with that onboarding type window for Q.
Never seen the clip before, thanks for posting it. Curious that such a noisy insect would have been selected as symbology for an operation in which discretion, confidentiality, no team disclosure or collab efforts etc was also emphasized. Perhaps an ironic choice.
I had that thought after posting the comment and hoped someone else would also add it - agree totally. A lifecycle hidden away and unseen for many years until it moults and is suddenly very active and visible, alive just long enough to mate and lay eggs and continue the cycle. Maybe Q is the active part of the phase, and the cicada thing was the big long stealthy part that preceded actions.
As I said in another thread yesterday, I believe at least part of the purpose for this project was to prepare autists, and anons in general, for the challenges of the digital battlefield.
I read something about this a while back-
Pretty intriguing. Now I’m wondering if that links to comms in the news about the 17 year emergence of cicadas in 2024?
I posted a few times over the years that Cicada was a Q recruitment tool. Lots of smart people tried to decode the contests. You don't have to recruit the winners. So I still feel Q might be behind this, and it smells Musky.
I loved following cicada years ago, was so fascinated by it. Don't recall hearing about it in quite awhile
Got to the end only to find:
Was thinking the exact same thing!
Memories triggered receiving a decoder in the mail on a snowy day in the 80s ... Didn't take long to break the 3-letter decode shift when I pulled the top off the decoder and was like, "Really? you could have at least jumbled the alphabet"
The pgp signature thing was done for the same reason as the chan tripcode, a way of verifying and linking that a future poster is also the same account as a previous one. Which isn't uniquely a Q thing but more of a meta around identity proofs, a subset of cryptography that goes hand-in-hand with encryption.
It also seemed to wrap up (2016) about a year in advance of when Q started posting (Oct 2017). Not indicative of much but perhaps a connection. Q did not pop fully formed out of the ether as soon as the concept was needed. Like all teams, projects and programs there would have been a lead time to build a cohesive team before they were ready for active operations, like every other recruiting and formation type effort. And the timeframe for Cicada at least would align with that onboarding type window for Q.
Never seen the clip before, thanks for posting it. Curious that such a noisy insect would have been selected as symbology for an operation in which discretion, confidentiality, no team disclosure or collab efforts etc was also emphasized. Perhaps an ironic choice.
Very noisy when they appear, but only after years of being totally quiet and invisible. Seems very apt to me.
I had that thought after posting the comment and hoped someone else would also add it - agree totally. A lifecycle hidden away and unseen for many years until it moults and is suddenly very active and visible, alive just long enough to mate and lay eggs and continue the cycle. Maybe Q is the active part of the phase, and the cicada thing was the big long stealthy part that preceded actions.
Perhaps the cicada was chosen for its close association with the number 17.
One of the winners was Ezra Cohen Watnik IMHO
WOW, that does lead us to Trump. Who is Q? Maybe he is....
As I said in another thread yesterday, I believe at least part of the purpose for this project was to prepare autists, and anons in general, for the challenges of the digital battlefield.
Sorry No
I read something about this a while back- Pretty intriguing. Now I’m wondering if that links to comms in the news about the 17 year emergence of cicadas in 2024?
The why files on YouTube did an episode on Cicada 3301. It was a pretty good one.