This is ridiculous.... you can read "A Boeing plane", I don't know how many times in this story. There are incidents occurring constantly, but the ones involving Boeing planes are highlighted to the max extent possible, even when it's an incident that has nothing to do with the manufacturer involved, such as this one. When it's an Airbus involved, the story won't even mention what type of plane it is, you have to dig for it through other sources. The airline I work for (major US airline) has had several emergency landings and evacuations within the last couple weeks. Less than half involved a Boeing.... but only a couple of these incidents were even reported on.
They can't force these large companies to become MORE profitable, but they sure can infiltrate the Board of Directors and tank the company to profit from shorting the stocks.
a lot of the problems are not a manufacturing issue more a maintenance issue many of these planes have been in service for know the media..sensationalism
Singapore Airline? Wow.. they WERE heavy on clot shots for the entire country in 2020 and there were at least 5 of their pilots who died suddenly in 2021 and then their rep went down drastically.
Clear air turbulence is an ever present hazard and as for the ceiling being ripped apart, that looks like oxygen mask deployment. A stewardess got a bloody nose?
This is ridiculous.... you can read "A Boeing plane", I don't know how many times in this story. There are incidents occurring constantly, but the ones involving Boeing planes are highlighted to the max extent possible, even when it's an incident that has nothing to do with the manufacturer involved, such as this one. When it's an Airbus involved, the story won't even mention what type of plane it is, you have to dig for it through other sources. The airline I work for (major US airline) has had several emergency landings and evacuations within the last couple weeks. Less than half involved a Boeing.... but only a couple of these incidents were even reported on.
Agreed. Turbulence incidents are independent of aircraft manufacturer.
I'm also starting to wonder who in the DS did Boeing piss off?
Shorted on the market.
They can't force these large companies to become MORE profitable, but they sure can infiltrate the Board of Directors and tank the company to profit from shorting the stocks.
Some one needs cash so they probably shorted the stock,and now their friends in the press push this negative boeing narrative.
They do this shit all the time.
I seems like more than just "piling on" to me. My spidey senses are tingling.
then they need calibration, cause this story is dumb.
Oh, the story is dumb for sure, but the story on Boeing seems off to me. It appears it's meant to frighten IMHO
a lot of the problems are not a manufacturing issue more a maintenance issue many of these planes have been in service for know the media..sensationalism
DEI mechanics???
more than likely
Have you seen the one where the engineer of Boeing were saying something about he would never fly in one?
Boeing has a lot of problem, but true, others were not exempt.
Dumb title, airplane manufacturer has nothing to do with turbulence accidents. Maybe airline error for flying through stormy weather?
Encountered turbulence all the time flying. Just flew last month. Major turbulence in the mountain of Andes.
In 2003 flying with Northwest from Detroit to Nagoya JP we encountered turbulence like this. No one died. Everyone was buckled in.
Major turbulence flying thru the Andes mountain last month. Saw something kind of strange too but no crash. Chilean airplane.
Oh that's a scary flight path, there was a movie made about that soccer team whose plane went down in the Andes. Maybe it was Argentina.
Singapore Airline? Wow.. they WERE heavy on clot shots for the entire country in 2020 and there were at least 5 of their pilots who died suddenly in 2021 and then their rep went down drastically.
Obey and die. It's sad but that's the way to go.
Clear air turbulence is an ever present hazard and as for the ceiling being ripped apart, that looks like oxygen mask deployment. A stewardess got a bloody nose?
Typical Murdoch puff piece.
It's dangerous to fly any more.
I got you.