NYT’s Maggie Haberman mocks President Trump as a man who ‘lives in the 1980s’
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Eighties the best decade.
(Let the flames begin hehe)
...this is my 7th decade...
...they have all been pretty good, off and on...
...doggy winks..
All pretty good, but c'mon, you must have a favorite decade. If nothing else, usually due to childhood memories.
...the 50's was soothing...
...the 60's were exciting...
...the 70's were educational
...the 80's were profitable...
...the 90's were emotional growth...
...the OO's are reevaluating ...
...the 80's and 90's were pretty sweet indeed...
7th! We may really have had a drink together at The Times.
...doggy winks...
And you knew who Belinda worked for, which is why I backed off.
Does beat the alternative
I miss the 80's.
So? There was a lot to like about the 80s.
Anyway, Maggie shouldn't throw stones. She's aging about as well as Vickie Nudelman.
Imagine mocking the 1980's.
-"Don't ask don't tell" military policy.
-Routine Space Shuttle flights, space exploration, and massive leaps in scientific knowledge.
-Affordable college education.
-Gasoline, cigarettes, and ground beef/pound all under $1. And, people were not treated like criminals for smoking in public, or driving a car with a V8 engine.
-The terms "micro aggression" and "safe space" had not been invented yet.
-Terrorism did not exist within American borders.
-Cable TV [mostly] did not have commercials, that was it's selling point for why people should pay to watch TV! And it was cheap too.
-America was well respected around the world, and looked up to.
-SOHO business boom launching new, start-up mom&pop business all over the nation.
-"Help Wanted" signs everywhere; decent jobs always available.
-Most store products "Made in USA" and ZERO from CCP China.
...the persistence of memory...
Is it actually a comm? Is it MH signaling something, or is it White Hats bringing up the Reagan years, cheap gas, recovery from the Carter "malaise"- and sitting of Carter, will the public funeral be called when one of the Trump cases falls apart?
…from a person who thinks that they would love to live in a communist country but never has.
So? They are all living in 1984…
If I recall correctly, her name was mentioned by Q more than once. Wonder why.