Did you know? Juan Manuel Merchan is NOT a formally appointed judge, he is only ACTING in his role. How did a former prosecutor who is NOT a formal judge get assigned this case? This is not just a blatantly rigged proceeding, but this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
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We are watching a movie. That’s how.
This is not a movie. It’s a nightmare! God protect a President Trump and put the Bidens in the prison they deserve!
Try to Stop being fearful it will shorten your life.
^^^ came to say this... what makes a great movie?
All part of the plan
This how we k ow the false charges are part of the show. My libtarded sister is all over Facebook salivating at 34 charges of guilty. I had to laugh because what it is in truth is 34 violations of trumps civil rights blamed on democrats. To think she has always been considered intelligent. BTW 34÷2
Being able to remember & recite what you are told is not intelligence. That just makes for good sheep.
Kind of like doctors
Sounds like my libtarded daughters.
Is she really that blind to the resident and his foibles.