posted ago by EveryKneeWillBow ago by EveryKneeWillBow +31 / -0

So this has been weighing on me for a while. My wife and I have a four year old an and a < 1 year old. 4 year old was born during COVID...crazy times but we were never worried. He got some of the standard vax (though nothing off the menu). He is a super bright kid in fact won a Bible award at his preschool promotion which as a father was an incredible joy to witness.

That being said his behavior as he's gotten older has become more and more excitable. Bordering on the point of ADHD...I of course have an issue with all the categorizations but there is something that is sticking with me that has me contemplating his behavior.

My wife was coerced into having him get a flue vaccine around 2.5 or so. She wasn't told anything they just said part of the process. Both of us are unvaxxed, and I wasn't even aware of it till I took him in for another appointment. I was then told he was given first dose couple months prior and if he wasn't given 2nd he could get very sick. I was visibly angry and got into it a bit with staff/nurse. Ultimately felt cornered and kick myself for allowing them to complete that 2nd dose. Shortly thereafter we cut ties with that practice but over the next year his personality seemed to change. He was still the sharp, creative kid but his personally changed. Much more excitable, dramatic etc. Some of this can be chalked up to growth but I keep questioning myself as to whether damage was done with that flu vaccine; again something I would never support.

If anyone has any thoughts they can share as to possible remedies to "detox" from what I believe are parasites would be greatly appreciated. Love my son so much but I feel so irresponsible for putting him in this position. I just pray whatever potential damage that was done can be reversed. My daughter by the way, unvaxxed through and through and is developing well above schedule, really makes you think. Thanks frens, I am so appreciative of the guidance this community is able to provide. May God bless you all.