Hunter Biden found GUILTY of all 3 Gun Charges
🤡 Awaiting Clown World Moves 🌎
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How do we feel about our chances against Big Mike and NewScum?
We are focusing all of our campaigning energy against Joepedo that might get wasted of Joepedo gets out of the way...
Trump has this win. Because NewScum is known as a moron due to California’s implosion. No one outside Librafornia, likes Librafornia.
On big Mike, it may use the Trans page to try to gain votes. It will be seen as a liar, not a victim to pander to. It’s over for the DemoLibs regardless what they try. That’s why they’ll have “the event of events” to have an “emergency” to shut down the elections to publically instill their fascist coup.
As someone inside Librafornia, I believe you have it wrong. Sure there are libs here, but I do believe they are all mostly clustered in certain cities and I do believe they are NOT the majority. CA is an EASY state to steal elections in. Serialization of ballots is illegal here, meaning that one's ballot can NEVER be tied back to the voter. How the heck can you legitimately audit THAT???? For example with mail in votes they simply remove the ballot from the envelope and discard it, and scan one of their prepared ballots. There's no way to verify that my vote went to where it supposed to go. I believe Commiefornia is truly RED. Might be 60% red, but I believe the majority is red, now more than ever.
They call NJ blue as well. It's not.
Ask yourself this question...IF 80-90% of the voting population voted for DJT in this coming election...clearly showing to any thinking human being with an IQ over 60 that DJT won the election and the current Deep State Cabal openly told via the MSM that the election numbers were wrong and therefore we are going to "install" our candidate (be him Biden or him/her Big Mike), what would stop them from openly stealing this election as well? I can only base my future guesses based on past experience and my guess would be NOTHING!
I think they will either find a way to remove DJT, stop the election completely or they will just (for lack of a better description)...keep Biden or whomever in the White House regardless how obvious the election turnout support for DJT is.
Let's face it...they obviously stole the 2020 election. They have viciously imprisoned hundreds of our precious MAGA Patriots. They have put DJT through the worst kinds of lawfare horror...and what has anyone done to purposefully rectify the injustice? NOTHING! Mark my words, Hunter will spend exactly ZERO days in jail or prison.
The only thing that will save America...and by "save America" I mean keep our country from completely falling like the Roman Empire and other empires have Jesus Christ and His providence. If our nation turns back to God, He promised He would save our nation. This may be happening, but I am not sure because we are totally in the fog of war right now. Only God knows at this point. Be that as it may, we need to continue to pray and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with any and all! Jesus is our only hope at this point! And this is not a bad thing...Jesus was always and is always the answer...
Yep. I don’t think we will have elections.
Also, they could run Newscum or Big Mike and steal the election again. Absolutely they could. Trump is a convicted felon, yadda yadda yadda.... They could even keep Joe and steal it. Stuff is going to seriously shake up between now and November.
What about HRC or Hussein?