It’s the Ukraine. Not at any time before all this war nonsense had I heard anyone just call it “Ukraine”, it was always referred to as the Ukraine. It means Little Russia.
Ukraine: by 1670s, from Russian or Polish Ukraina, a specific use of ukraina "border, frontier," from Old Russian oukraina, from ou "by, at" + kraj region. The territory was so called because it was the borderland or 'frontier zone' of medieval Russia at the time of the Tatar invasion in the 13th century.
Ukraine was formerly also known as Little Russia, so called by contrast with Great Russia, when the medieval principality here became separated from 'mainstream' czarist Russia as a result of the Mongol invasion. [Room, 2006]
Another reason why it was always referred to as "the" Ukraine is when translated, Ukraine = border region. So it's always been known & referred to as "the border region" recognizing everything to West of the region as Europe and everything East as Russia & Eurasia.
It’s the Ukraine. Not at any time before all this war nonsense had I heard anyone just call it “Ukraine”, it was always referred to as the Ukraine. It means Little Russia.
Kiev is also correct.
Ukraine: by 1670s, from Russian or Polish Ukraina, a specific use of ukraina "border, frontier," from Old Russian oukraina, from ou "by, at" + kraj region. The territory was so called because it was the borderland or 'frontier zone' of medieval Russia at the time of the Tatar invasion in the 13th century.
Ukraine was formerly also known as Little Russia, so called by contrast with Great Russia, when the medieval principality here became separated from 'mainstream' czarist Russia as a result of the Mongol invasion. [Room, 2006]
the emphasis is mine
Another reason why it was always referred to as "the" Ukraine is when translated, Ukraine = border region. So it's always been known & referred to as "the border region" recognizing everything to West of the region as Europe and everything East as Russia & Eurasia.
Correct anon, same as Latvian even though not Cyrillic based language.
I should've clarified it's phonetically why English and other Western language countries have always referred to Ukraine as The Ukraine.
The cryillic language is fascinating. Do you know anything else?
Is reason why Russian language sounds terse. Not need many word.