posted ago by BooniesRedneck ago by BooniesRedneck +28 / -0

What if the next presidential election being stolen is part of the plan? Hear me out, I’m not dooming. We didn’t fix the problems from last time, so it is a possibility. But what if there is a plan for this? Right now, republicans barely control the house, but the senate is split. People are pretty ticked overall with more people waking up. This election for senators, 19 are D, 10 are R, 4 are Independent. I think, hope, republicans will do a lot better in the house. So, after the new congress is seated and a speaker chosen, house starts impeachment proceedings on Biden, lays out all of the evidence ( including authenticated laptop) Biden impeached by senate (because we have the numbers now) and house begins impeachment of Harris. Harris is implicated in Biden’s business dealings with China. See here: https://www.conservapedia.com/Rosemont_Seneca_Partners,_LLC Harris impeached. SOTH in charge. Does COG take effect? I realize this is all hypothetical, and I really would like Trump to win, but I can’t help but think they’re going to steal the presidency again. Surely, there is a plan in place. Thoughts?