Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.
The Catholic Church has long since been on the wrong side of almost every Godly issue for hundreds of years.
This. Carlo should just become a Christian.
Denying his Christianity?? When he's obviously one of the good guys??
That's a hot take there, edgelord
Catholicism is not Christianity, it is the culmination of Babylonian paganism which was scattered around at the Tower of Babel and reconvenied at Rome. The Ceasar turned into the Papacy and wrought centuries of hell on earth to anyone who believed differently than the "church"
Tell me when Jesus commanded us to chase people down with swords drawn to give them the Gospel? Or when he told us to bow to a man and kiss his ring? They parade the pope around exactly like a pharoah. Think about it,
"You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophecy of you, when he said: 'This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.'"
This pretty much sums up the leaders of the false religions in the world. Catholicism is doing exactly what the jews in Jesus' day did in setting aside God's word for their own so-called traditions and rules, which by the way reflect the contemporary thinkings of the time. Hence, why the Catholic Church persecuted people like Martin Luther for pointing out corruption in the Church and even executed people like William Tyndale for the crime of translating the Bible. This is reflected now with the Church pushing the globohomo agenda, being no different really that the so-called progressive churches we see now.