Or the fact that time isn’t tied up worrying about social situations allows for more time to observe what people who don’t want to leave anyone alone are trying to do in the shadows.
Most of the like minded, smart people I known are only online or live overseas.
Most people in my immediate vicinity are too reduced, in mind body and spirit. So I'm often lowering myself in public to get along so to speak. Even among family, can't be honest & open with any of them. I tried but it usually backfired or was confirmation that nothing can change them
Not lonely. I'm married, have kids, dogs, cats, friends and other family. Do lots of outdoor activities. Work....yet here I am believing my government is run by satanic pedophiles hell bent on the destruction of humanity. Was not here 5 years ago.
Trump was aided by Russia in 2016 election and does Putin's bidding (while leveling more economic sanctions against Russia than any other president)
Republicans are domestic terrorists who will shoot anyone who isn't
Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
Trump openly mocks THE DISABLED at rallies
Trump will start wars
Trump was never a racist while in the public eye for decades, a guest on every talk show including Oprah, featured with Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as an Ellis Island Award winner for helping inner-city residents; had the #1 TV show on NBC for 15 years after that; then he suddenly decided in his late 60s to BECOME a mega-racist, in order to win the 2016 election, since most people in America are mega-racists
Trump called violent neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville "fine people"
Trump desires the presidency only to enhance his self-esteem and bank account (while spending around $2 billion of his own money to get elected)
Trump will destroy American democratic institutions (meaning self-governance through elected officials)
Trump will outlaw all abortion at the federal level (while having just handed the issue to the individual states instead)
Trump and his supporters are racists who literally want to bring back slavery—"put y'all back in chains" (while polls show his support among blacks has tripled since 2020)
Trump is a rapist (of Bill Clinton-level sea serpents, while hot models constantly would throw themselves at Trump and LET him kiss or touch them intimately)
Trump raped sea serpent E. Jean Carroll in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman's department store (while she admitted to having rape fantasies and to having once seen a TV show in which a woman was...raped in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman's department store)
Trump paid hush money to a porn star (who denied it, explicitly, in writing, years ago)
Trump is a pedophile who was sexually inappropriate with Ivanka (which she denies, while Biden's daughter wrote in her verified diary that she was forced to shower with him as a teen, and he's constantly caught on camera, sniffing and groping little children)
"QAnon" is a dangerous right-wing terrorist group
Trump will see to it we never have elections again
Trump will throw all homosexuals in prison (while being the first president to wave the stupid queer flag onstage at a rally and to have an openly homosexual cabinet member)
Trump will sell us out to the evil Jews because Jared Kushner, Ivanka, their kids,
Trump's attorneys and accountants, they're all Jews!!
...and its little brother conspiracy theory:
Trump is anti-Semitic!!
Trump supporters who assembled to speak freely and petition the government for a redress of grievances over a stolen election were actually insurrectionists conducting a coup d'etat
No evidence of election fraud exists, anywhere; Republicans fabricated the accusation out of thin air to try to "steal the election"
Trump has had all his 2020 election challenges fairly ruled on by judges, overturned or thrown out of court due to "lack of evidence"
Trump committed 93 felonies
Trump mishandled classified documents as president
The desire for voter ID is actually a desire for "voter suppression", because the fewer people who vote, the better
Having voter ID is suppressing the ability to vote, while having ID for literally anything else in society is facilitating that thing, such as driving, cashing a check, or being allowed backstage at a rock concert
Trump will imprison all who work for mainstream news organizations
Guns kill people
No legit reason exists for any civilian to own any type of firearm; they only want them for criminal purposes
All rifles are 'assault rifles' and 'automatic weapons' designed to kill masses of immigrants and refugees, who are mostly women and children
Trump built cages for children at the border
Etc., etc., etc.
The list of left-wing conspiracy theories goes on and on and on, each more wacky and debunked than the last
bruh if anything its the opposite. knowing this stuff can make you very lonely
Or the fact that time isn’t tied up worrying about social situations allows for more time to observe what people who don’t want to leave anyone alone are trying to do in the shadows.
They want you to fear loneliness because you can find God and the truth and be come a powerful narrative buster of their carefully crafted works.
Most of the like minded, smart people I known are only online or live overseas.
Most people in my immediate vicinity are too reduced, in mind body and spirit. So I'm often lowering myself in public to get along so to speak. Even among family, can't be honest & open with any of them. I tried but it usually backfired or was confirmation that nothing can change them
What they call conspiracies have always been proven to be The Truth. So the failed attempt to 'insult' me by liars, is amusing.
Once you can see...you can not Un-see...It is what it is.
Not lonely. I'm married, have kids, dogs, cats, friends and other family. Do lots of outdoor activities. Work....yet here I am believing my government is run by satanic pedophiles hell bent on the destruction of humanity. Was not here 5 years ago.
Pseudoscience with charts masquerading as "follow the science!"
I feel better being right and educating my sleeping friends.
Works both ways:
Trump was aided by Russia in 2016 election and does Putin's bidding (while leveling more economic sanctions against Russia than any other president)
Republicans are domestic terrorists who will shoot anyone who isn't
Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation
Trump openly mocks THE DISABLED at rallies
Trump will start wars
Trump was never a racist while in the public eye for decades, a guest on every talk show including Oprah, featured with Rosa Parks, Muhammad Ali, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as an Ellis Island Award winner for helping inner-city residents; had the #1 TV show on NBC for 15 years after that; then he suddenly decided in his late 60s to BECOME a mega-racist, in order to win the 2016 election, since most people in America are mega-racists
Trump called violent neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville "fine people"
Trump desires the presidency only to enhance his self-esteem and bank account (while spending around $2 billion of his own money to get elected)
Trump will destroy American democratic institutions (meaning self-governance through elected officials)
Trump will outlaw all abortion at the federal level (while having just handed the issue to the individual states instead)
Trump and his supporters are racists who literally want to bring back slavery—"put y'all back in chains" (while polls show his support among blacks has tripled since 2020)
Trump is a rapist (of Bill Clinton-level sea serpents, while hot models constantly would throw themselves at Trump and LET him kiss or touch them intimately)
Trump raped sea serpent E. Jean Carroll in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman's department store (while she admitted to having rape fantasies and to having once seen a TV show in which a woman was...raped in the dressing room of Bergdorf Goodman's department store)
Trump paid hush money to a porn star (who denied it, explicitly, in writing, years ago)
Trump is a pedophile who was sexually inappropriate with Ivanka (which she denies, while Biden's daughter wrote in her verified diary that she was forced to shower with him as a teen, and he's constantly caught on camera, sniffing and groping little children)
"QAnon" is a dangerous right-wing terrorist group
Trump will see to it we never have elections again
Trump will throw all homosexuals in prison (while being the first president to wave the stupid queer flag onstage at a rally and to have an openly homosexual cabinet member)
Trump will sell us out to the evil Jews because Jared Kushner, Ivanka, their kids, Trump's attorneys and accountants, they're all Jews!!
...and its little brother conspiracy theory:
Trump is anti-Semitic!!
Trump supporters who assembled to speak freely and petition the government for a redress of grievances over a stolen election were actually insurrectionists conducting a coup d'etat
No evidence of election fraud exists, anywhere; Republicans fabricated the accusation out of thin air to try to "steal the election"
Trump has had all his 2020 election challenges fairly ruled on by judges, overturned or thrown out of court due to "lack of evidence"
Trump committed 93 felonies
Trump mishandled classified documents as president
The desire for voter ID is actually a desire for "voter suppression", because the fewer people who vote, the better
Having voter ID is suppressing the ability to vote, while having ID for literally anything else in society is facilitating that thing, such as driving, cashing a check, or being allowed backstage at a rock concert
Trump will imprison all who work for mainstream news organizations
Guns kill people
No legit reason exists for any civilian to own any type of firearm; they only want them for criminal purposes
All rifles are 'assault rifles' and 'automatic weapons' designed to kill masses of immigrants and refugees, who are mostly women and children
Trump built cages for children at the border
Etc., etc., etc.
The list of left-wing conspiracy theories goes on and on and on, each more wacky and debunked than the last
Uh yes. More your mentality ill being pushed. Don't forget folks men can get periods, pregnant or chop ya wiener off and be a *real girl 🤡 😂