Denmark is set to impose a new tax on farmers over greenhouse gases produced by their livestock, Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus has announced. The toll on cow, pig, and sheep emissions will be implemented starting in 2030, according to the minister.
The new tax is expected to greatly contribute to the country’s goal of reducing emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by the end of the decade, as well as ultimately attaining carbon neutrality, Bruus explained.
“We will take a big step closer in becoming climate neutral in 2045,” the minister stated, praising the measure as a way for Denmark to become “the first country in the world to introduce a real CO2 tax on agriculture.”
Livestock farmers will be taxed 300 kroner ($43) per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent produced by their animals. However, this will initially be subject to an income tax deduction of 60%.
The measure is expected to hit dairy farmers the most, given that an average Danish cow produces around six metric tons (6.6 tons) of CO2 equivalent each year, with pigs and sheep emitting significantly less gas.
The country is a major livestock producer, with its current cattle population at nearly 1.5 million, according to Statistic Denmark. That would net more than $400 million a year in carbon taxes.
The new tax is set to rise even higher, reaching a target of 750 kroner per ton by 2035.
Dairy farming is believed to be a major contributor to human-related greenhouse gas production. According to the UN Environment Program’s estimates, livestock account for some 32% of methane emissions caused by human activity.
Strange they skipped over private jets to regulate cows...
Cows aren't very well connected politically.
Sauce that what you say is not true: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fyHLmT1mGZ7wqFNPIaYgytLfWno=/0x0:5320x3540/1200x800/filters:focal(3035x444:3885x1294)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/63700268/1142005332.jpg.0.jpg
Warning: Have eye bleach on hand.
This same type of taxation is headed to the US. Palms are getting greased in order for the implementation of RFID tracking of show cattle and cattle that cross state lines in order to better track any outbreak of diseases. We’re being told that only locations can be tracked, not owners. We all know that a few clicks and that changes, ownership and how many animals on that property will amount to taxes. Right now we’re not affected if we stay within our state. That’ll change.
Cows don't fart, they bloat. The farmers should FOIA to find out where they get that 32% figure. It's bogus.
Our government seemingly consists of pure WEF proselytes. There are a lot more cases than this insane tax law (e g. when they out if the blue removed a religious holiday), that the government is steamrolling over its people. And yes, the public opinion is against it again and again, but unfortunately we are not the French. We just bend over, take it in the ass, and vote for more.
Sorry for being so negative, just had to let out some steam. It looks like deep state has already taken over our country. It seems like only the extreme left or right are not in bed with the deep state, and I'm even in doubt here...
What about taxing Potato when HE farts?
Joe Biden Farts LOUD and Long. Then Can’t Figure Out Why Everyone Is Laughing at Him - 5/20/24
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Y1ug-5WMpE Turn up the sound. The first time they’re laughing you can’t hear the fart, but it loops and you can hear the fart when they laugh for the second time.
I bet this was him too. FARTING AND THEN BLAMING IT ON SOMEONE ELSE https://youtube.com/shorts/iNEVxWcqakM?si=zN4l04Ehj02w8Mo
While we slept, Cabal governments have truly grown into leviathans with tentacles in all freedom spaces.
Time to chop off all those tentacles!
My friend is a virtual fart machine...are w next
Up to the food prices in Denmark.
This is how you lose the upcoming food wars. The winners will be the nations that allow their farmers to farm and their ranchers to graze their livestock.
Too bad this is realm and not a “Shit Post”.
"13 Nations Sign Agreement to Engineer Global Famine by Destroying Food Supply"
Maybe Denmark should place a tax on greenhouse gases produced by PEOPLE instead.
Eat less beans... pay less $$$$.
Maybe Danish people should avoid eating cabbage, asparagus and hard boiled eggs too.
They already did this in NZ.
It's always a solid soris controlled govt that pulls that shit. Just makes it another exposure operations weeding out the sleestacks.