The Supreme Court Just Lit A Match
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Oh my goodness!!! I've been saying this forever. We have so many illegal laws on our books. I have to pinch myself to see if this has actually been illuminated by SCOTUS.
"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Anyone quoting the Declaration is alright in my book. 1,000,000 uptoots
Free at last , free at last , thank God all mighty I am free at last. (2.0 , if we can keep it)
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Removing nearly 100 years of restrictive laws passed by congresses of the past seems like a pro freedom move to myself & many others who see that the system is not set up the way we were taught in school as children.
This SHIT we now have....
Is NOT the system I learned in Elementary Class....
I primarily was taught that we have a Republic, and not any form of Demonocracy, and that a Republic is a Meritocracy, based upon Contractual Agreement, not on Imagined sleight, Handouts, and Freebies Gained via Pretended blight....
Work and Eat, is the Brother of, Don't Work Don't Eat....
Agreed. What if those laws could all easily be tossed out now due to this ruling?
I am all for voluntary/charitable giving to help another out who is sincerely hurting & in need. I know I don't deserve many of the blessings & wealth God has seen fit to give me during my life, so I am glad to give when the spirit moves me to help others that are struggling. That said, I choose to do this & am not forced to do it.
Forcing others to be charitable, instead of reaching them why it is good & helping them also choose to do so, is absolutely evil. See Communism Massacres for evidence.
I think I get what you said, but in a Republic, the ONE thing that is ""Common"" amongst ALL MEN, literally All Men, is Law....
We Live by the Law, we Die by the Law, we either flourish and prosper by the Law, or we fail and Die by the Law.....
For us MEN, there are Codes of Conduct, they help us Navigate THE LAW, there are RULES of Conduct, they help us Stay within our ""Guidelines of Conduct"", that help us stay within our ""Codes of Honor"", but none of those are Laws....
Only Laws are Laws.....
IN the Common Law, there are really only Three Laws.....
Don't Murder anyone, and try to keep from accidentally causing the death of someone you know, even if you hate them....
Don't Injure or Damage someone else, even if you hate them, because you WILL take on ALL of their Responsibilities, on top and in Superior position to yours....
Do not Damage anything that is not your own, or you WILL replace it, even if it is at a much higher cost than what you damaged:: ""You break a Mules Lower back Leg....
You think the Mule is getting put down, NOPE, Owner says he will get a cast put there, and the Mule Lives....
Guess what, You just bought him a New Younger Mule to do the Work, and it better be trained in doing such work, or YOU are responsible for any damage it does....
That, my friends IS the Common Law, at the root, but Judges think they always know better....
Regulations are NOT Laws, Statutes are Not Laws, Guidelines are Not Laws, Rules are Not Laws, Mandates are NOT Laws, Only LAWS are Laws....
Everything else is an INTERNAL to that Corporation, law....
Please note that Capitalism/Capitalizing(?) in the Law is a preponderance of whether the word has ""This Meaning"" or ""that meaning"", and when it is Lower, it cannot be Higher....
The Only Law, we should ever have to be under is the Common Law....
Don't Murder, and try not to Accidentally Kill....
Don't Injure, or you'll PERSONALLY, be replacing the Injured....
Don't Damage, or you'll replace it....
What's a regulation? Just a law or mandate by another name.
No. Only Congress can pass laws. They cannot give that power to an agency to self direct. It’s illegal.
That was exactly my point. Lazy congress.
Not true.
A law is a rule that has gone through the legislative process to become a law that one can be fined or imprisoned for violating said law.
A regulation is a rule that is proposed and enacted completely outside Congressional authority. These regulations should never be allowed to have fines and jail time since they were never passed as actual laws.
Right, they are illegal laws. You can call it whatever you want, but essentially, it's a law because you can be held accountable if you break it.
Way to go gobby!