There was your sign from God. Crows and Segulls never team up. In fact doves are not predators so crows do not attack them other then attempts to steal eggs in nests.
The other signs were when thye Vatican was struck by lightning when this serpent was voted in. The next sign came when this serpent felll face down before the altar and broke his staff.
Exactly. Listen to crow and you will know when eagles or hawks are around. Watch the direction they all head to as they call for help. They will guide you to the location of the hawk or eagle.
This isn't very good sauce. No video, so I don't know what ultimately happened to either dove. Hell, I don't see the Pope or the girl in the three images showing the two doves encountering the other birds, so I don't even know those are the birds they released.
Incorrect. One was killed by climate change and the other by Covid-19.
.... changed to bird flu
That would be my guess as well:
There was your sign from God. Crows and Segulls never team up. In fact doves are not predators so crows do not attack them other then attempts to steal eggs in nests.
The other signs were when thye Vatican was struck by lightning when this serpent was voted in. The next sign came when this serpent felll face down before the altar and broke his staff.
I follow all of these events, somehow I missed the fall at the alter and breaking his crozier. Need to look that one up...
Here you go.
This is fact!
Crows actually taunt eagles, and the way the Eagles get away is they fly higher than crows can fly.
Sumin sumin - rise above your enemies.
Exactly. Listen to crow and you will know when eagles or hawks are around. Watch the direction they all head to as they call for help. They will guide you to the location of the hawk or eagle.
And then there was the St. Peter statue in Argentina struck by lightning, destroying specifically its halo and keys
The warning signs were there.
I was just telling my son about this yesterday, cataloging all the ways God has clearly showed us this one is not for real.
And I seem to remember crows attacking the isreali flag too.
Clever birds crows.
#1 👍 Black CROW rips down an ISRAELI FLAG!!!
#2 Crows Are Destroying Flags In Israel !!
#3 Four Crows (Birds) Trying to TAKE DOWN Israeli FLAG!! SUBHANALLAH
Note: The post got X community noted, but, the link in the note states this, directly: "It was not clear what happened to the doves as they flew off."
Catholic mafia, obviously
With the doves raised in captivity and then tossed through an open window into the outside, their long term survival is probably not good.
The peace dove was attacked in 2013 too.
2014, Ukraine, hmm...
The false Pope was selected like all of the other leaders of the West. They will all be swept away very soon.
This isn't very good sauce. No video, so I don't know what ultimately happened to either dove. Hell, I don't see the Pope or the girl in the three images showing the two doves encountering the other birds, so I don't even know those are the birds they released.
Oddly enough the same year obuma sent the cia to that money laundering capital of the world (Ukraine) to do what they do best.
Start the chaos that leads to war....
this seems more like a bad omen
For the pope.
It's a comm from God, for the rest of us.
Kinda like when a tornado struck downtown Minneapolis right as the ELCA convention was voting on whether to allow gay pastors.
Two doves go into the vatican bar, one comes out pedophile and the other one gets a Bugati.
Columb = Dove.
Columb-us (Christopher)
Columbia (District of)
Columbus (knights of)
Etc ....
Symbolism will be their downfall...
They out themselves because they can't stop showing symbolism...