Ain't that the truth. I've been calling them conspiracy theorists ever since January 6th. They still can't explain how QAnon Shaman was supposed to become Speaker of the House.
The Project 2025 hysteria that the Dems (and their surrogates) are trying to drum up is rather interesting.
After President Trump posted on TS that he had no involvement with it, I got curious about the contents. So I've been trying to set aside an hour every night to read through the plan.
For those that don't know, Project 2025 is a very large, detailed and multifaceted plan/recommendation for the first 180 days of President Trump's new administration. There's over 900 pages in total.
Now with the rather large caveat that I'm nowhere near close to being done reading it all, a few thoughts:
-The plans are broken down in a very granular fashion (White House Staff, department of labor, the pentagon, DHS, etc).
-There are some serious heavy hitters that have written plans for specific areas of government. As an example, the reform suggested for the department of defense is written by Chris Miller.
-I have yet to find anything "extreme" in the plans. Probably the most "extreme" is the dismantling of DHS. Otherwise it's a lot of reform and of course, a lot of trimming down of the federal government. If anything, I don't think some of the reform goes far enough in shrinking and reducing the power of federal departments, but I suspect most of us would feel that way.
So what's the bottom line (in my opinion)?
I think the bottom line here is that based on what I've read so far, there's nothing controversial or surprising in these plans. However, Project 2025 is the perfect boogieman for Dem pols and pundits because no Leftist/Dem voter is going to actually READ THE PROJECT 2025 PLANS.
Can you imagine your average Liberal actually taking the time to investigate 900 pages of reform plans, even if their favorite propaganda channel is telling them it's a literal threat to their existence?
I know I can't. Consequently, I think if they're able to get any traction on the Project 2025 fear, we're going to see a lot more of it all the way through to the election (if we have an election).
they can't even fathom what astroturf or controlled opposition are. That's why they believe all the charlottesville nonsense and the patriot front bullshit because you have to be able to accept the idea of a false front to be able to go a step further and see an entire "movement" or "group" could be fake.
That whole “I showed you” and “told ya so” type mentality is toxic and it’s some boomer dinosaur negative type thinking like that got us to such a fucked point to begin with. I recommend NOT reacting this way and working on your own self to not think or react in such a way to begin with if we are to ever see change it will be necessary.
Agreed, but vindictiveness, mockery, shaming etc is not productive for that end. It does nothing to instill or reinforce truth. It undermines confidence and trust in any of us on the “right” side. It’s like being a parent or a boss or just a dog owner even - you can use a heavy hand and get results up front but it will breed dissent. Best to do the more difficult thing and lead with compassion.
Too little, too late!
Ain't that the truth. I've been calling them conspiracy theorists ever since January 6th. They still can't explain how QAnon Shaman was supposed to become Speaker of the House.
The Project 2025 hysteria that the Dems (and their surrogates) are trying to drum up is rather interesting.
After President Trump posted on TS that he had no involvement with it, I got curious about the contents. So I've been trying to set aside an hour every night to read through the plan.
For those that don't know, Project 2025 is a very large, detailed and multifaceted plan/recommendation for the first 180 days of President Trump's new administration. There's over 900 pages in total.
Now with the rather large caveat that I'm nowhere near close to being done reading it all, a few thoughts:
-The plans are broken down in a very granular fashion (White House Staff, department of labor, the pentagon, DHS, etc).
-There are some serious heavy hitters that have written plans for specific areas of government. As an example, the reform suggested for the department of defense is written by Chris Miller.
-I have yet to find anything "extreme" in the plans. Probably the most "extreme" is the dismantling of DHS. Otherwise it's a lot of reform and of course, a lot of trimming down of the federal government. If anything, I don't think some of the reform goes far enough in shrinking and reducing the power of federal departments, but I suspect most of us would feel that way.
So what's the bottom line (in my opinion)?
I think the bottom line here is that based on what I've read so far, there's nothing controversial or surprising in these plans. However, Project 2025 is the perfect boogieman for Dem pols and pundits because no Leftist/Dem voter is going to actually READ THE PROJECT 2025 PLANS.
Can you imagine your average Liberal actually taking the time to investigate 900 pages of reform plans, even if their favorite propaganda channel is telling them it's a literal threat to their existence?
I know I can't. Consequently, I think if they're able to get any traction on the Project 2025 fear, we're going to see a lot more of it all the way through to the election (if we have an election).
Haven't gotten to that part yet.
Though that's something I would expect Leftists to adore.
ThE bUrGeR wAs VeRy GoOd...hhgvvgsvetr[drooling]vjvcqctcjtjtcsnlzunnfllzm[drooling]...
'they' have nothing to run on, no positive messages, nothing good for America, so they have to attack all the time.
they can't even fathom what astroturf or controlled opposition are. That's why they believe all the charlottesville nonsense and the patriot front bullshit because you have to be able to accept the idea of a false front to be able to go a step further and see an entire "movement" or "group" could be fake.
That whole “I showed you” and “told ya so” type mentality is toxic and it’s some boomer dinosaur negative type thinking like that got us to such a fucked point to begin with. I recommend NOT reacting this way and working on your own self to not think or react in such a way to begin with if we are to ever see change it will be necessary.
Lol what are you on about? I'm not the one doing the I told you so, there's libtards actually reacting like this as we speak. Go home glowboi.
Are you sure that isn't Bi-Done? Run On Sentences are his trademark.
You sound like XIden. No sense.
No. It's far too late {as you yourself pointed out}.
Blunt force truth trauma first.
Reconciliation later.
Agreed, but vindictiveness, mockery, shaming etc is not productive for that end. It does nothing to instill or reinforce truth. It undermines confidence and trust in any of us on the “right” side. It’s like being a parent or a boss or just a dog owner even - you can use a heavy hand and get results up front but it will breed dissent. Best to do the more difficult thing and lead with compassion.