Once President Trump is back in office he should work toward withdrawing all federal funds from any City, County, and State that is ignoring immigration law and enforcement.
Not really, no. That take assumes that federal law is just unilaterally supercedent to state law, individual sovereignty, that jurisdictions are correct, and probably other issues.
We have operated for decades under a grotesque assumption that authority of law flows from federal, to state, to local, to individual, and that is not how American freedom works. This has a lot to do with a long-standing dispute between state and federal supremacy in law, and where the balance lies, that dates back to Washington leading the troops against the Whiskey Rebellion.
How were citizenship and immigration handled from 1600-1789, and from 1790-1850? Immigration definitely changed somehow in the late 1800s. A lot of us have expressed issues with the 1965 Hart Cellar Act.
Moreover, how could we push our states and cities to follow federal law on immigration, and do we even want to do that without knowing what that law is? How do those acts interplay with USC?
What is happening today, under Biden, is an invasion. So-called Sanctuary States, Counties, and Cities are aiding and abetting this invasion, which is a threat to national security. So, yes, in this case, Federal law is proper jurisdiction.
The same could be said for illegal immigration at any time, not just under an illegitimate "President" intentionally destroying our Republic. illegal immigration has always ben a threat to national sovereignty and security.
I’m not saying it’s not an invasion, nor that federal shouldn’t be the proper jurisdiction (nor that it’s the only proper jurisdiction). Adding context and pointing out that we should know where we stand, what we are asking for, and how to ask for it.
That it’s an invasion is simple. That it’s being enabled and driven by people living here should be obvious, and complicates things, especially as our domestic enemies still have a lot of power. Our appropriate response is most certainly not simple nor obvious.
Hopefully Trump helps it, of course. What is our best course of action?
One thing I’ve found interesting for a long time is how there were no passports or passport system until after the world wars. How did things work on immigration and international travel and commerce and citizenship prior to that?
SCOTUS ruled that the Feds have sole authority over immigration.
No reason for a Trump admin to use that their advantage.
When that happens you know damn well the Dem Commies will want to give the power back to the states after cheering the SCOTUS decision while Barry was in office.
A big change is coming. Those places that harbor illegals are aiding and abetting criminals who broke our immigration laws. If they were smart, they'd conform with the rest of the country in obeying the law. Otherwise, the local officials will be arrested along with the illegals they protect.
Once President Trump is back in office he should work toward withdrawing all federal funds from any City, County, and State that is ignoring immigration law and enforcement.
All he has to do is stop giving the illegals free federal funds. They will leave on their own.
I think that’s when they will start burning “our” cities.
At that point President Trump will be in charge. Burning our cities will no longer be allowed
Yup. The smart ones will leave once Trump wins the election. They will see the writing on the wall and get out of dodge.
If you sour the milk, they won't feed on the teat.
Anyone not enforcing federal law needs to be jailed. Simple.
Investigate, indicted, impeached (where required), prosecuted, and, if found guilty, should be a Capital Offense, in my opinion. Not incarceration.
I am with you. No incarceration because the criminals keep committing crimes and see there is no punishment.
Not really, no. That take assumes that federal law is just unilaterally supercedent to state law, individual sovereignty, that jurisdictions are correct, and probably other issues.
We have operated for decades under a grotesque assumption that authority of law flows from federal, to state, to local, to individual, and that is not how American freedom works. This has a lot to do with a long-standing dispute between state and federal supremacy in law, and where the balance lies, that dates back to Washington leading the troops against the Whiskey Rebellion.
How were citizenship and immigration handled from 1600-1789, and from 1790-1850? Immigration definitely changed somehow in the late 1800s. A lot of us have expressed issues with the 1965 Hart Cellar Act.
We should do a good dig on this.
Moreover, how could we push our states and cities to follow federal law on immigration, and do we even want to do that without knowing what that law is? How do those acts interplay with USC?
What is happening today, under Biden, is an invasion. So-called Sanctuary States, Counties, and Cities are aiding and abetting this invasion, which is a threat to national security. So, yes, in this case, Federal law is proper jurisdiction.
The same could be said for illegal immigration at any time, not just under an illegitimate "President" intentionally destroying our Republic. illegal immigration has always ben a threat to national sovereignty and security.
I’m not saying it’s not an invasion, nor that federal shouldn’t be the proper jurisdiction (nor that it’s the only proper jurisdiction). Adding context and pointing out that we should know where we stand, what we are asking for, and how to ask for it.
That it’s an invasion is simple. That it’s being enabled and driven by people living here should be obvious, and complicates things, especially as our domestic enemies still have a lot of power. Our appropriate response is most certainly not simple nor obvious.
Hopefully Trump helps it, of course. What is our best course of action?
One thing I’ve found interesting for a long time is how there were no passports or passport system until after the world wars. How did things work on immigration and international travel and commerce and citizenship prior to that?
SCOTUS ruled that the Feds have sole authority over immigration.
No reason for a Trump admin to use that their advantage.
When that happens you know damn well the Dem Commies will want to give the power back to the states after cheering the SCOTUS decision while Barry was in office.
A big change is coming. Those places that harbor illegals are aiding and abetting criminals who broke our immigration laws. If they were smart, they'd conform with the rest of the country in obeying the law. Otherwise, the local officials will be arrested along with the illegals they protect.