It just keeps getting weirder
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Don’t worry. I trust both doctors and people who get interviewed by news reports.
You should trust the massive numbers of cameras from the crowd, unless you are prepared to claim every single person there was in on it.
Will go with them, per prior comment. Can’t blame anybody for defaulting to FAKE these days, though.
We also know things can be staged even with cameras on them.
Someone made a good point the other day in the “sliding” post about how being able to see who the up and down doots were would solve a lot of issues. One of your updoots is mine.
I fully acknowledge that whatever the method that’s being used to do whatever is going on is beyond my ability to fully understand it.
1 Corinthians 13:9-10: For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
This, per sylver’s comment, gives me some serious wtf. I don’t believe the SS has been compromised. They wouldn’t have let the area not be secured. Really begs the question of how this happened.
You can, yes, but faking actual deaths, gore, etc. in a live audience is not really going to be possible when everyone has their cameras on them. 90% of the facts we have are from attendees with cameras, not media or police.
Cheatle is absolutely compromised, and leadership always trickles down.
Trump’s security has always been astounding. I don’t see how they’d allow fake Biden to put in fake security detail to leave super obvious vantage point unsecured unintentionally or through infiltrated negative intention.
Not saying I’m right, but these things are never face value.
Ah. Whatever the actuals are, on cue, there’s an expected narrative result.
The brains were visible on some footage - when the cops or soldiers (who can even tell anymore) were carrying him down the bleacher stairs. Trump was shot through the ear, and possibly in the chest if the pic of the bullet hole in his jacket is actually a hole and not blood from his ear. The shooter was killed and pics are circulating.
This was not staged.
Not to insist “this was definitely staged”, but only on keeping flexible during the 48-72 hour rule, there are different levels of “staged”. Perhaps the person who was shot was identified as the spotter, and it’s being spun as an innocent bystander. Trump’s reaction was also remarkably muted for being hit in the ear with a bullet. I wouldn’t be concerned about the chest too much if that happened, he’s been spotted with body armor at these things so many times (for which CNN mocked him for being “fat”). “Spin” is a form of “staged”, though “fake” fits better than staged in this case.
We are talking about people who apparently knew that a submarine was ready to fire at them and took a different course to North Korea to dodge a missile.
I don’t claim to know how things keep working out the way they have the last several years. There has always been something very unnatural about everything that’s happening. There are reasons that people keep pointing to God’s protection and/or curses and/or Revelation.
But the 72 hour rule exists for a reason. I’m open to the idea that someone was shot for some reason. I’m less inclined to believe that was faked if a lot of people at the rally had footage, I just haven’t seen it, and don’t trust the sources that were cited anymore (doctors, “officials”, police, etc).
9/11, Sandy Hook, Boston Bombing, the list goes on.
Because we all know Hollywood is incapable of faking a substance that looks like brain matter.
Nobody is saying it was anything, but to assume you know the truth because of something you saw or heard...well, that's dangerous today.
Wait and see how this develops before jumping to conclusions.
I remain skeptical that this isn't part of the Q script.