It would be extremely hard to adapt, i'll admit that - I've gotten accustomed to having technology at my fingertips 24/7, ive grown accustomed to popping into walmart every few days, etc - but... I'd be alright with it if everything changed today and the "world as we know it" ceased to exist. If you want to rebuild something sometimes you gotta tear it down first. Our home is infested with termites, time to replace the wood.
That is great news, but Klaus and the Commies/Dems will not just roll over easily, we should be prepared (and so should our President, Trump) for what might come. As they see their reign of power ending, they won't just fold the tents and go home.
Damn. Was already voting for Trump. But thanks for the sales pitch anyway...ya little worm.
Stop please. I cant get any more erect!
Harari, I was already voting for Trump, you don't have to sell it to me.
He's a low quality person undernourished ugly and has the stupidest name I've ever heard
He's a worm.
In the future DJT needs to cancel rallies if they pull his team.
Iâd be happy if he does No more rallies. Unless inside of a bubble thatâs bulletproof.
That means Trump needs to continue to be vigilant also he needs to make sure the election can't be stolen again.
That's precisely WHY we (100M+++) support him.
Antisemitism exists because of people like Yuval Noah Harari
It would be extremely hard to adapt, i'll admit that - I've gotten accustomed to having technology at my fingertips 24/7, ive grown accustomed to popping into walmart every few days, etc - but... I'd be alright with it if everything changed today and the "world as we know it" ceased to exist. If you want to rebuild something sometimes you gotta tear it down first. Our home is infested with termites, time to replace the wood.
They're writing Trump's campaign material for him.
Not just the order. Its participant too. Every last catalyst will be hunted down and hanged fter conviction like then swine they are
Ron Swanson laugh intensifies
Off to the chipper with that weasel
That is great news, but Klaus and the Commies/Dems will not just roll over easily, we should be prepared (and so should our President, Trump) for what might come. As they see their reign of power ending, they won't just fold the tents and go home.