I think that we will be very surprised when and if we ever find out. I wouldn't be surprised if it is someone quite famous. Any guesses? My gut feeling is that it is someone who is supposed to be "dead":
JFK jr Tom Clancy (My No 1 choice) John McAfee
Any thoughts?
I have seen 0 verifiable evidence for looking glass. Untill I see it, I'm going to assume it's part of the mass psyop war and I cannot assume it's real or fake and just essentially put it on the backburner.
u/#q3585 u/#q3555
Going forward to look back is a process I came up with in the’90s. You jump out far enough into the future where the current legacy items and near future initiatives will not be a decision factor.
Then you create the vision. More complicated than it sounds. Once you do that, then you work backwards to determine the steps to get there.
The ability to look into the future only gets you so far because it is merely a ripple forward of today with some random deviations.
I like it u/Revodude
Username checks out ;)
I was randomly researching glass companies, as the shooter was on top of American Glass Research, and came across this site from Corning glass
Their quote on the page "Moving forward by looking back" stuck out to me.
Excellent find! u/gloriatimbers
Is that verifiable evidence?
It's what's called a circular reference.. so no
I see...
How many hours of research have you spent on it?
Name checks out.
I don't know what Looking Glass is, only what it has been speculated to do but I do know what Quantum Computing can do according the man over D-Wave. QC is able to reach into other dimensions to get information. Since scientist have proven we live in as many as 10 or 11 dimension universe and we can only access 3 and 1/2 dimensions, who knows what lives or what information is in those other dimensions? We know the military is always many years ahead of any tech that is public, Looking Glass could be a super QC. My 2 cents!
That's fine. I will keep an open mind but I'm not going to base anything off it, that's a slippery slope.
Yeah. Too many slippery slopes this week for sure. Keke
Secret service agrees.
N = 10
I am with you 100%. Is it possible? Sure, maybe. But according to all the hubbubb, it didnt work after 2012 so its kindof a moot point
I thought I heard in an interview, not that it didn't work, but rather, no matter how much they changed the input, they kept getting the same result. "Nothing can stop what is coming"
Yea, after 2012, all the "timelines" were the same
He said "After 2012, all the timelines CONVERGE."
Where we go ONE we go ALL.
We are all Time travelers through our own consciousness and everyone has their own infinite universe. [Everett Wheeler model]
You ever hear of the Philadelphia experiment? It's definitely probable that our government have some type of time travel capabilities
You may be right but you truly don’t know. To completely deny the possibility is very limiting. Let your mind be more open to the unknown. Q has eluded to time travel so keep it in the back of your mind as a minute possibility.
Maybe Tesla time travel?? ...as part of the Q 'team'??
Hmmm, Time Travel. In That case, JFK.