206 YOU ARE HERE: Ready for the drop? (media.patriots.win) posted 6 months ago by catsfive 6 months ago by catsfive +208 / -2 40 comments download share 40 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Stickied because we've heard THE STORM HAS ARRIVED so many times that complacency has set in. Now is the time to top off emergency supplies, mentally prepare, and get right with God if you haven't already.
Here’s hoping we don’t need more than 3 months of emergency supplies.
It’s 5 months to January 20th.
I really didn't think the phrase "My Fellow Americans," would come from Biden's dropout letter. Plot Twist!!
Did it say exactly : My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us?
I think that's the Q quote
Exactly that.
Wait, what???? They DID post that???????
HOW TF did I miss??? Can you please share a link??? If not, I'm off to search....holy crap....!!!
What if this Biden has been an actor all this time...intending to fool the cabal? (Just the wild thoughts that run through my mind sometimes lol!)
We're ready!!!! Is the rest of the world ready?
It must be on Twitter tho. Was that on Twitter?
Yes. Yes it was. It's where Biden (team) officially posted it first.
It was on X, not twitter.