President Trump Announces a Return to Butler, Pennsylvania, To Finish the Rally Interrupted by an Assassination Attempt - The La...
“Fight, Fight, Fight!” Those were the last words from a wounded President Trump before he was rushed from the stage in Butler, Pennsylvania. Today, President Trump announces his intention to return to that venue and finish the speech he started. AWESOME! ...
I hope he has a security detail this time.
Not gonna happen.
Too slopey.
Too hot too. You would think it was summer or somethin'.
You can not fake Bravery. Going back Trump is making an amazing statement!
If young boys and youth need a role model for manhood, it’s right in front of them.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once” - William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, in Act II, Scene 2.
He'd only be doing it a second time if his security team (MIL) has full spectrum dominance and there's absolutely NO WAY that he could be harmed.
You need to really think about that. And...really think about the fact that he is and was on 7/13 the most important person on this planet - even more than your precious pope.
And in thinking about that...push your emotions to the side and clearly think about the implications. Don't be fooled.
I believe his proposal to rebuild the WTC was "exactly the same, but bigger".
Fuck you, murderers and thieves.
Talk about forcing the Secret Services hand in front of the whole World!!!
Now that everyone has analyzed their failures in the public square, what will be done differently?!?!
It will make it soo obvious to everyone but those trying to cover it up!!!
Inside or outside though? On one hand I would think it would be awesome to be at the same outside place but then some might not like that.
Looks like he has one scheduled in HARRISburg, PA. Lol. This one seems a few hrs away from Butler, PA.
They haven't scheduled Butler yet, it's still an active crime scene. Once released, he will pick a date,
Thank you!
I hope he exactly duplicates the location and the stage, jumbotron, etc. Then demonstrates how the bullet's trajectory makes no sense.
this would be perfect.
BDE, for sure. Still, covering those rooftops seems advisable.
Courage, Bravery & A Willing Heart:
"Yeah, lets go looking for that second shooter." Might work :/