posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +151 / -0

Well, do you recall when the nurses started doing inexplicable dance routines because the “full” hospitals were relatively vacant and they were bored?

You thought 2020 had dancing nurses yet 2012 actually did it first.

After this display, a newborn baby emerges from the ground.

Given what we now understand about predictive programming, the 2012 Olympic ceremony was nothing short of eery and disconcerting. After analyzing all the footage, I suspect this was speaking into the Covid pandemic that was to come. Why do I feel this way? Look at the ceremony for yourself and really think about what you are watching.

Dancing nurses gather around what can only be described as a Babylon-esque ziggurat fashioned like a grassy hill as the theme from The Exorcist plays out. The masses cheer as hospital beds are laid out.

Full Substack (https://pepelivesmatter.substack.com/p/the-occult-symbolism-displayed-at)